Documenting Ukraine as an Act of Solidarity

Documenting Ukraine

When we began by offering a few emergency fellowships to scholars and cultural figures, we didn't know what scale or exactly what form our engagement would take. Now, a year later, it has grown into something we are immensely proud of. We have supported 200 projects, based in 20 of Ukraine's oblasts as well as abroad, and have begun work on the archive that will ultimately house materials gathered and produced within the program's framework. What started as an immediate response will now thus endure long beyond the end of this war, informing future generations’ understanding of what happened and what was at stake.

For the team working on Documenting Ukraine, this program goes far beyond an academic exercise: Ukrainian intellectual and cultural life is close to our hearts. The program was established by two historians whose work has centered Ukraine for decades, IWM Permanent Fellows Timothy Snyder and Katherine Younger. Project Manager Kseniya Kharchenko, a writer, translator, and culture manager, joined the team after arriving in Vienna, displaced from Kyiv in the wake of the full-scale invasion. All of us have been profoundly shaped by Ukrainian culture and scholarship, and thus we are particularly convinced of the urgency of enabling Ukrainians to bring their professional expertise and insight to bear in documenting this war.

Here you can watch the program team discuss the goals and work of Documenting Ukraine: