Oksana Ferents


Documenting Ukraine Grants

War: The Tears of Things and the Losses of People

War is inextricably linked to loss, e.g. of people, homes, cultural heritage, etc. It is also tied to the loss of things which bear significance for people, to which individuals feel attached, and which are important to them as reminders of their identity and connection to the generations of ancestors. The project aims to show a broad spectrum of human experiences and loss during war by studying people’s connection to things. The tasks are to analyze categories of things that reveal themselves during the war, outline the various levels of connection between individuals and things (functional, axiological, and memory-related), show how things are integrated into habits and hobbies, and what their loss means to people. The project will help showcase stories of different people with individual war experiences, yet united by some commonalities (leaving home, settling in a new place, replacing missing things). These stories will help reveal the context of the war further and contribute to a better understanding between people who were forced to leave their homes.