The project involves the creation of a website for the Oral History Centre of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv which will host already recorded interviews as part of the projects “Revolutionary Events of the End of 2013–2014 in Ukraine: Mechanisms of Mass Mobilization (2014–2019)” and “Documenting War Experiences in Oral Histories (2022–2024).” In the future, this website will continue to host new interviews with witnesses of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as interviews from other projects of the Centre recorded between 2011 and 2022, such as “Ukraine During the Second World War: Everyday Survival Experience,” “Soviet Everyday Culture of the 1960s and the First Half of the 1980s: Shaping the Soviet Way of Life,” “Forbidden Music in the USSR,” “The History of Kyiv University in the Biographies of Teachers,” “Past, History, and Politics of Glasnost,” and “Ukraine in the 1990s: Life in the Age of Change.”
Tetiana Pastushenko
Documenting Ukraine Grants
Creation of a Website for the Oral History Centre of the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv