
Kadri Liik's research will take a closer look at the societal factors that made it possible for Soviet Russia to embark on positive change, to attempt democratization and a reckoning with the past. What were the factors that enabled these changes in the late 1980s and early 1990s? Are they dormant or dead now, and what does that bode for Russia post-Putin?
Kadri Liik is a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations with a research focus on Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Baltic region. She joined ECFR in 2012, after her term as the director of the International Centre for Defence Studies in Estonia from 2006 until 2011, where she also worked as a senior researcher and director of the Lennart Meri Conference. Throughout the 1990s, she worked as a Moscow correspondent for several Estonian daily papers, including the highest circulation daily in Estonia, Postimees, as well as Eesti Päevaleht and the Baltic News Service. In 2002, she became the foreign news editor at Postimees. In 2004, she left to become editor-in-chief at the monthly foreign affairs magazine, Diplomaatia. She was also the host of Välismääraja, a current affairs talk show at Raadio Kuku in Tallinn.