
The major security threat caused by the Russo-Ukrainian War has regenerated the stagnating EU enlargement agenda. Europeans have been here before. The atrocities that unfolded during the Balkan wars shocked the EU into reconsidering its post-1989 slow enlargement policy. The similarities between the determinants of EU decision-making outputs in the context of the 1990s and those that underscore current EU policy-making seem striking. The EU is likely to once again follow a pattern of failing forward to protect its own security and stability, albeit fragile and temporary. In so doing, a wider EU is not sure to be the preferred outcome for its leaders. This research project aims to assess (1) the chances of EU enlargement given lessons learned from its recent history, and (2) the impact of the war in Ukraine on key elements of European integration.
Veronica Anghel is a lecturer in risk in international politics and economics at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Previously, she was a Max Weber Fellow and assistant professor in political science at the European University Institute (EUI). Her research centers on the process of democratization of Central and Eastern European countries, with a focus on the tension between formal and informal institutions in determining regime outcomes. She currently holds a visiting fellowship at the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the EUI. Her work has been published in the Journal of European Public Policy, East European Politics and Societies, Government & Opposition, and Survival as well as in edited volumes with Oxford University Press, Macmillan and ECPR Press. She is an editorial fellow for Government & Opposition. In Romania, Anghel worked as a foreign affairs advisor to the Presidential Administration and the Senate.