Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha



In her theater and film career, Gabriela Carniero da Cunha has worked with directors such as Ariane Mnouchkine, Georgette Fadel, Cibele Forjaz, Grace Passô, Eryk Rocha and Heitor Dhalia. Over the last five years, she has developed the Riverbank Project: about rivers, buiúnas and fireflies, an artistic research project that aims to make it possible to experience how Brazil's rivers bear witness to prevailing catastrophes. Carneiro da Cunha will be present at the Wiener Feswochen with the laboratory Encounters of Waters: Donaukanal, Danube, Danu and the performance Altamira 2042. In it, she uses the Rio Xingu to show the extent of the destruction caused by the construction of the Belo Monte dam. Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha is currently working with filmmaker Eryk Roche on the completion of two film projects and an exhibition.