Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
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Project Grantee
Stories of War and the Rehumanization and Consolidation of Society (Історіі війни в фокусі регуманізації, консолідації суспільства) Inna Tereshchenko
Survive and Win: The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 Roman Mykhalchuk
The Experience of Forced Migration of Ukrainian Youth in Vernacular Photography Olena Martynchuk
The Language of War: Letters from Ukraine Oleksandr Mykhed
The Second Year of the War Andrii Krasniashchykh
The Terror of Everyday Life Paweł Pieniążek
The Ukrainian Teens Who Took on Putin's Gulag Archipelago — and Won Casey Quackenbush
There Is a Land Beyond Perekop Anastasia Levkova
Transformation of Relations in the Families of Ukrainian Refugees in the Conditions of War: A Feminine Vision Olena Kondratiuk
Ukrainian Childhood in the Face of War (Українське дитинство перед викликом війни) Anna Oksiutovych
Vernacularchive Andrii Usach
Vilcha: A Short History of Double Displacement Viktoria Naumenko