Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
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Project Grantee
Invisible Wounds Yana Kononova
It's Not a Full Picture Maryna Stepanska
Letters from the Front Line Andriy Kotlyarchuk
Musicians at War Kateryna Honcharuk
My Captivity Yevhen Shybalov
Noting Warfare: A Historian on the Front Line Maksym Gon
Over the Horizon of the End of History: The Diary of a Recruit of the Ukrainian War (За горізонтом кінця історії. Щоденник рекрута української війни) Denys Kobzin
Patches: Humor, Design, Convictions Anton Hauk
Picturesque Ukraine Yaroslav Pilunskyi
Rain's Men: Untold Story of Military Medics Bohdan Kutiepov
REAL Oleh Sentsov
Scorched Earth Oleksandr Kuchynskyi