Projects Funded
The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
Project | Grantee | |
Historico-Cultural Heritage of the Donetsk Region: Documentation of Losses and Perspectives of Recovery | Nadiia Temirova | |
How to Make Opera in Museum during War Time. (Genesis, Opera of Memory for the Empty Khanenko Museum in Kyiv). Art-book. | Razumeiko Illia | |
Impact of the War on Cultural Heritage Objects as Refugia of Biodiversity (Вплив війни на об’єкти культурної спадщини як рефугіуми біологічного різноманіття) | Ivan Moysiyenko | |
Kherson: Before and During the War in Ukraine | Anastasiia Telikova | |
Kherson: From Ancient Prehistory to the War with Russia. The Future from the Frontline | Serhii Diachenko | |
Lost Villages: Memories and Stories | Tetiana Samsoniuk | |
Lullabies in Times of War in Ukraine | Oksana Lemishka | |
Modest Architecture, Great Significance: The Mental Heritage of Kharkiv | Olesya Chagovets | |
More Liudei Magazine | Veronika Poliakova | |
Museum and War | Sasha Dolhyi | |
Museum at War: Preservation of History and its Artefacts by Human Hands During the War | Sasha Dolhyi | |
Odesa. Museum Diary of War: A Graphic Novel | Olena Iliasova |