Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
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Project Grantee
Listening to the World Yelizaveta Smith
Major Overhaul. Graphic Interviews with Ukrainians Who Reinvented Themselves Due to the Russian Invasion Yevheniia Polosina
Mariupol. Diary of a Survivor (Маріуполь. Щоденник того, хто вижив) Oksana Stomina
Marked Words: An Eccentric Dictionary of War Oksana Maksymchuk
Masks as Art Therapy for Heroes who Lost an Eye as a Result of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Bob Basset
Memoriupol: Personal Stories of War 2014—2022 Diana Berg
Museum and War Sasha Dolhyi
Museum at War: Preservation of History and its Artefacts by Human Hands During the War Sasha Dolhyi
Music of Resistance Yana Shliabanska
My Captivity Yevhen Shybalov
Near Kharkiv and Not Far from Lviv: The Experience of War (Поруч із Харковом та недалеко від Львова. Досвід війни) Roman Liubavskyi
Nice Ladies Mariia Ponomarova