Projects Funded

The projects listed below have been supported by Documenting Ukraine. This is not a complete list; other grantees have opted not to publish information about their projects, and new projects are being added to the site on an ongoing basis.
Project Grantee
Hostages of war Zlata Yefimenko
Hotel Ukraine Mark Chehodaiev
Houses of Ashes Lisa Bukreyeva
How to Make Opera in Museum during War Time. (Genesis, Opera of Memory for the Empty Khanenko Museum in Kyiv). Art-book. Razumeiko Illia
Humanitarian Aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Historical and Cultural Visions and Modern Survival Strategies Svitlana Makhovska
Humanitarian Aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Historical and Cultural Visions and Modern Survival Strategies Svitlana Makhovska
I Am Fine: A Collection of Visual Stories About Artistic Perspectives on the Intimate Face of the War Mari Kinovych
I Am Here and You Are Gone: The stories of Transition to Adulthood in the Times of War in Ukraine Tina Polek
I Wish You Not to Live in Times of Change Yehor Antsyhin
Identity Formation in the Zakarpattia Region in the Context of the Integration and Segregation of Internally Displaced Persons 2014–2024 Pavlo Leno
Imagine Kharkiv Vasylysa Shchogoleva
Impact of the War on Cultural Heritage Objects as Refugia of Biodiversity (Вплив війни на об’єкти культурної спадщини як рефугіуми біологічного різноманіття) Ivan Moysiyenko