Karl Polanyi and Globalization’s Wrong Turn


Globalization took a wrong turn when it overlooked Polanyi’s central insight that markets need to be embedded in institutions, both for effectiveness and legitimacy. The brief period of Bretton Woods-style globalization in the decades following World War II was more Polanyiesque in so far it did not question the centrality of national economic management and regulation. Constructing a viable globalization will require going back to that central insight, though the results are unlikely to look much like the Bretton Woods regime.

Dani Rodrik is an economist whose research covers globalization, economic growth and development, and political economy. He is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He was previously the Albert O. Hirschman Professor in the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2013-2015). Professor Rodrik is currently President-Elect of the International Economic Association. His newest book is Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy (2017).

Maria Vassilakou (Vice-Mayor of Vienna)
Sigrid Stagl (Deputy Department Head of Socio-Economics at WU)
Ayse Caglar (IWM Permanent Fellow)
Brigitte Aulenbacher (Vice-President of IKPS and JKU Linz, Austria)

Kari Polanyi Levitt (Honorary President of IKPS& McGill University, Canada)
Ayse Bugra (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey)

Andreas Novy (President of IKPS& WUVienna, Austria)

In cooperation with International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS), Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE) and Karl Polanyi Research Center of Global Social Studies.

The IWM Lecture in Human Sciences by Dani Rodrik is part of the International Karl Polanyi Conference 2019.


Dani Rodrik

Karl Polanyi and Globalization’s Wrong Turn

Friday, 3 May 2019, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, ORF Radiokulturhaus, Großer Sendesaal


Globalization took a wrong turn when it overlooked Polanyi’s central insight that markets need to be embedded in institutions, both for effectiveness and legitimacy. The brief period of Bretton Woods-style globalization in the decades following World War II was more Polanyiesque in so far it did not question the centrality of national economic management and regulation. Constructing a viable globalization will require going back to that central insight, though the results are unlikely to look much like the Bretton Woods regime.

Dani Rodrik is an economist whose research covers globalization, economic growth and development, and political economy. He is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He was previously the Albert O. Hirschman Professor in the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2013-2015). Professor Rodrik is currently President-Elect of the International Economic Association. His newest book is Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy (2017).

Maria Vassilakou (Vice-Mayor of Vienna)
Sigrid Stagl (Deputy Department Head of Socio-Economics at WU)
Ayse Caglar (IWM Permanent Fellow)
Brigitte Aulenbacher (Vice-President of IKPS and JKU Linz, Austria)

Kari Polanyi Levitt (Honorary President of IKPS& McGill University, Canada)
Ayse Bugra (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey)

Andreas Novy (President of IKPS& WUVienna, Austria)


In cooperation with International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS), Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE) and Karl Polanyi Research Center of Global Social Studies. The IWM Lecture in Human Sciences by Dani Rodrik is part of the International Karl Polanyi Conference 2019.