Visiting Fellows / alumni

Name Fellowship period Link to Content Program Last Fellowship
Anna Narinskaya - /program/the-world-in-pieces <a href="/program/the-world-in-pieces" hreflang="en">The World in Pieces</a> The Soviet Jews of the Stagnation Era and Their Dual Identity: "Jewishness" and Russian Culture
Hannes Werthner - /program/digital-humanism-program <a href="/program/digital-humanism-program" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Program</a> Digital Humanism
Robert Kostro - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> On Narratives of Polish History
Albert Dikovich - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> Europe, Post-Europe, and the Pathic Limitation of the Political
Astrea Nikolovska - /program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship <a href="/program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship" hreflang="en">CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellowship</a> The Social (Half)Life of Depleted Uranium in Serbia: From “Cancer Epidemics” to Energy Transitions
Katja Petrowskaja - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Exodus: Fragments of Lives, Random Cities and Temporary Havens
Filip Milačić - /program/europes-futures
<a href="/program/europes-futures" hreflang="en">Europe’s Futures</a><br/><a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Why are People Abandoning Democracy for the Nation
Francesco Striano - /program/digital-humanism-fellowship <a href="/program/digital-humanism-fellowship" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Fellowship</a> What Humanism for the Digital Age?
Gražina Bielousova - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program</a> Out of Left Field: Ukrainian Leftist Feminism in Global Leftist Dialogues
Joanna Sieracka - /program/jozef-tischner-fellowship <a href="/program/jozef-tischner-fellowship" hreflang="en">Józef Tischner Fellowship</a> Postfeminism in Poland? The Black Protests and the Women’s Strikes between Conservative Modernization and Feminist Populism
Krystof Dolezal - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> Difficulties with the Political Thought of Christian Democracy in Central Europe