Ukraine in European Dialogue

Research Programs

There is an ongoing need for sustained dialogue between Ukrainian scholars, intellectuals and activists and their counterparts in Europe and North America. Ukraine has benefitted from intellectual exchange with the West as it has worked to build a modern, sovereign state governed by the rule of law. Today, Europe still has much to learn from Ukrainians, and not only lessons of civic courage. Ukraine is no longer a terra incognita; it is a source of insights into politics and civil society that are essential to the European present and future. Understanding Ukraine, and treating Ukrainians as equal partners in our societies’ pursuit of the common values we profess, is vital for the future of the European endeavor. The project Ukraine in European Dialogue seeks to contribute to this exchange.

This project, initiated in 2015 by Permanent Fellow Timothy Snyder, is dedicated to enabling sustained contact and exchange between scholars, public intellectuals, journalists, activists and policymakers from Ukraine and the rest of Europe. It continues the IWM’s long-standing tradition of practical and intellectual solidarity with societies asserting their right to freedom. Its aim is to foster intellectual and cultural understanding; to support a sovereign, rule-of-law, rights-respecting Ukraine within a vibrant, open Europe; and to enable European, North American, and other scholars, intellectuals and policy-makers to benefit from the insights about politics and civil society which Ukraine provides and that are relevant to the European present and future.

The project Ukraine in European Dialogue currently includes:

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Katherine Younger
Permanent Fellow, IWM

Mariia Shynkarenko
Research Director, Ukraine in European Dialogue

Project financed by the Temerty Fund at KBF Canada.

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