
Please find below a list of staff at the IWM. If you are unsure of whom to contact, please call our switchboard at +43-1-313-58-0 and our reception will be happy to help direct you.

All IWM staff email addresses follow the pattern Please note that email addresses do not use umlauts (ä>ae, ö>oe, ü>ue).  

Katharina Hasewend, Executive Director
Guido Gambera, Deputy Executive Director 

Paulina Abzieher, Administrative Assistant to the Rector (ext. 213)
Jakob Angeli, Content & PR Manager (ext. 204)
Marina Biskic-Burzin, Event Management (ext. 118)
Abu Conteh, Kitchen Assistant (ext. 510)
András Daradics, IT Administrator (ext. 101)
Maria Derntl, Fellowship Program Administrator (ext. 218)
Felix Filnkössl, Europe's Futures Project Assistant (ext. 217)
Katharina Gratz, Head of Library and IWM Archive (ext. 107)
Klaus Hoffelner, Facility Manager (ext. 111)
Barbara Jarosz, Chef (ext. 510)
Evangelos Karagiannis, Research and Publications Coordinator (ext. 106)
Zsófia Koós, Junior Event Manager (ext. 108)
Elif Koca, Administrative Assistant
Anastasiia Kovach, Ukraine Programs Coordinator (ext. 209)
Sherife Luli, Receptionist (ext. 199)
Vesa Maxhuni, Administrative Assistant
Kasper Nowak, Fellowship Program Coordinator (ext. 208)
Sarah Ocsenás, Digital Communication & Marketing Manager (ext. 105)
Julian Pokay, Information Associate
Dino Pašalić, Europe’s Futures Project Manager (ext. 207)
Alexandra Rausch, Data Management Assistant (ext. 117)
Anna Rendl, Festival Manager
Patricia Roisz, Senior Accounting Manager (ext. 109)