Olga Kostresevic
Olga Kostresevic specializes in the translation of philosophical works. During her stay at IWM she is translating Max Weber's three-volume work Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie l-lll. Translations she most recently published include J.J. Bachofen, Matrijarhat (Matriarchy), 1990; Werner Jäger Paideia, 1991, and Jacob Burkhardl, Povest grcke kulture l/V (Cultural History of Greece), 1992.
Olga Kostresevic, translator from Belgrade, was at the Institute in May 1989 in order to work at the translation into Serbocroat of "Europa und die Folgen" (Castelgandolfo-Gespräche Ill, ed. by Krzysztof Michalski, Stuttgart 1988).