Vlasta Jalusic



Vlasta Jalusic was at the IWM in the framework of the “Joint Research Fellowship for Scholars from the Netherlands and East Central Europe". She works in the field of political theory and gender studies. During her stay she was working on a project exploring the potential for active citizenship as conceptually developed by Hannah Arendt. She reworked these topics in several papers: “The Possibilities for Feminist Reinterpretation of Hannah Arendt’s Elements of Politics,” to be published in Slovene in Casopis za kritiko znanosti; she is still working on her essay “Distorted Communication: Arendt, Feminists and the Problem of the Social”; and her review of Seyla Benhabib’s The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (London 1996) will appear in the Viennese journal "Die Philosophin".