Balázs Jarábik and Ivan Vejvoda on Ukraine, Moldova and Europe After the Russo-Ukrainian War

, 23.06.2023
Vienna Coffee House Conversations Logo

In this week's episode of the Vienna Coffee House Conversations, Ivan Vejvoda is joined by Balázs Jarábik, 2022/23 Europe's Futures Fellow of the IWM and ERSTE Foundation, to consider the future of Ukraine and its neighbors in a Europe forever changed by the full-scale Russian invasion of 24 February 2022. 

How will extending the embrace of the EU and NATO as signaled by Western European leaders impact the global situation? What will be the on-the-ground effects of the war for Moldova, the territory of Transnistria, for the neighborhood and for Ukraine itself? What kind of Ukraine will emerge when the war finally ends and life returns to something approaching 'normal'?

Learn more about Balázs Jarábik here

Ivan Vejvoda is an IWM Permanent Fellow and is Head of the Europe's Futures program at the IWM.

Click here to listen to the full podcast.

Photo Credit: Davor Konjikušić