Change of Date for Jeremy Adelman Monthly Lecture

, 12.01.2022
Event announcement

The date for the Monthly Lecture with Jerey Adelman on "Patient Earth: The Rise and Fall of Globalization" had to be changed to 8 March 2022. 

This lecture is a short history of globalization, examining its origins in the 1970s to its legacies. With the world decomposing into pieces, it is tempting to look back on the last forty years as a short-lived convergence in a long history of fragmentation and failed efforts to assemble a cooperative whole out of the world’s competitive parts.  The lecture asks: can a global history of the present reveal a different unity or even new integrative concepts among the splinters of globalization? From what Charles Taylor once called “deep diversity” can we find the coordinates for shared ways of belonging to one planet, beyond the prevailing narratives of dread and existential threat?

This event is currently full but you can register for the waiting list here.

The lecture will also be broadcast on our YouTube-channel: