Meet Our New March Fellows

, 01.03.2021
An aerial view of a red table, fellows are sitting around it with notebooks and books on top of the table, deep in discussion.

Our fellows and guests who are joining us for March have arrived in Vienna. We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce them, their projects, and affiliations.


Yuri Andrukhovych (March – April 2021)

Freelance writer and author, Zbruc.euUiED

Visiting Fellow

Project: The Festival Age (1988 – 1993). Was There a Phenomenon? Toward the 30th Anniversary of Ukrainian New Independent Culture


Albena Azmanova (March – April 2021)

Associate Professor, Political and Social Thought, University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies

Visiting Fellow

Project: The Rule of Law in the Dynamics of EU Integration


Viktoras Bachmetjevas (March – May 2021)

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Vytautas Magnus University

Paul Celan Visiting Fellow

Project: Emmanuel Levinas: Totalite et infini (French to Lithuanian)


Jerko Bakotin (March – May 2021)

Freelance Journalist, Novosti, Zagreb

Milena Jesenská Fellow

Project: Crime Without Punishment in Schicksalsgemeinschaft of Europe


Noémi Kiss (March – April 2021)

Freelance writer

Visiting Fellow

Project: Women in Rural Kazakhstan: Reports on Everyday Life in Post-Soviet Central Asia


Justyna Tabaszewska (March – July 2021)

Assistant Professor, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

Józef Tischner Visiting Fellow

Project: Polish Politics of Memory and the Notion of the Future in Memory Research


Susann Urban (March – April 2021)

Freelance translator and editor

Visiting Fellow

Project: Nadifa Mohamed: The Fortune Men (English to German)


For more information and for an overview of all of our current Fellows have a look at our Current Visiting Fellows and Guests