Merav Amir: “Unfastening Israel's Future from the Occupation: Israeli Plans for Partial Annexation of West Bank Territory”

, 10.03.2023
Picture of Merav Amir smiling in the IWM courtyard

Merav Amir’s essay “Unfastening Israel's Future from the Occupation: Israeli Plans for Partial Annexation of West Bank Territory” has appeared in the journal Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography.

Merav is Senior Lecturer at the School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast. She is a cultural and political geographer with particular interest in critical perspectives on security, processes of border making, geographies of embodiment, critical cultural analysis and feminist and queer theory. Her research examines the use of border making technologies in the Israeli control over the occupied Palestinian territory. She also works on political activism and the securitization of public spaces. Merav Amir was Emma Goldman Fellow at the IWM in April 2022.