New edition of “Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration“ published

, 04.02.2021
Yellow Cover of publication refugee watch edition 56

This publication is brought out with the support of the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna. It is a part of a research program of Calcutta Research Group and IWM on migration and forced migration studies. Its Editor is Paula Banerjee, a former IWM fellow.

Refugee Watch is a peer-reviewed and refereed flagship journal brought out biannually by the critically recognized Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group in June and December, in both print and online. It includes original research papers that broadly engage with issues of forced displacement and migration, refugees, statelessness, internally displaced people, development-related displacement, climate change and demography, borders and border conflicts, citizenship, human rights, peace and conflict resolution, women’s dignity and myriad other themes relevant to democracy.