Paul Celan Fellow Svetla Kioseva Receives Award for Translation

Svetla Kioseva

The IWM extends heartfelt congratulations to Svetla Kioseva, who received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the Bulgarian Translators’ Association for her translation of László F. Földényi's Melancholy, published by Сонм.

From September to November 2022, Kioseva was a fellow within the IWM's Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators. During that time, she worked on the Bulgarian translation of this outstanding work by Hungarian writer and art critic Földényi, whom Alberto Manguel praised as "one of the most brilliant essayists of our time."

Kioseva’s award is in the humanities section. The jury specifically praised the translator's "extraordinary professionalism and fluency in Bulgarian" that were needed to translate this demanding study, "revealing the infinite horizons of the author's erudition in the field of history, art, and culture."

The original Bulgarian announcement can be found here.

The Celan Fellowships are supported by the S. Fischer Stiftung.