The Hijack: Europe, Belarus, and the Abduction of Roman Protasevich

, 25.05.2021
Event announcement
Country of Belarus

Join us tonight with our panel of speakers, discussing questions surrounding the interception of the Ryanair flight 478 by a Belarusian fighter plane, forcing the European commercial airliner to land in Minsk. 

The reporter Roman Protasevich (26), known for his coverage of pro-democracy protests, was then abducted by Belarusian authorities, along with the student Sofia Sapega (23). How can reporters be protected against the use of military force by dictators? And how should the EU react to the state hijacking of an aircraft bound from one EU capital to another? Given Russia’s dominant role in Belarus, might it bear responsibility?

For more information and to register for this event please visit this page of our website.