The IWM's Chronicle From Belarus Reflects on the First Anniversary of the Presidential Election

, 09.08.2021

Today, August the 9th is the first anniversary of the 2020 presidential election in Belarus. Since the election, the protests that followed and the tumultuous twelve months since, the IWM has kept a Chronicle from Belarus Blog on its website. Two new articles have been published to mark this occasion.

The first article by Alex Kazharski, a Researcher at Charles University in Prague, is a look back at 2020 and the aftermath of the election. He also praises the protestors and the "splendid array of creative and brave individuals who are entering politics" for the first time.

The second article is a translation from the original Russian. Written by Tatiana Shchyttsova, a philosopher, Professor at the Department of Social Science. She is Head of the Center for Research of Intersubjectivity and Interpersonal Communication at the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania), and is editor-in-chief of the Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies TOPOS. Her article, "On the Way to a New Belarus: Critical Notes on the Emerging ‘Work on Mistakes’" was first published on CH+ and has been translated for the Chronicle from Belarus by Markian Dobczansky.

You can read the whole Chronicle from Belarus on the IWM website.


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