Resources for Ukrainian Scholars

In addition to the IWM’s own fellowship opportunities, other institutions in Austria and across Europe are offering wide-ranging support for Ukrainian scholars. 

The most comprehensive listing of these sources of support is Science for Ukraine

Initiatives in Austria include: 

Ukraine Hilfestab (

JESH Ukraine ( (please note the IWM is able to serve as a host institution for a limited number of applicants; contact us at

Office Ukraine: Shelter for Ukrainian Artists 

Initiatives and resources from the IWM community, or that might be of particular interest to our community, include: 

Ukrainian Scholar Placement Database, curated by former IWM fellows

Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften: Solidarität mit Wissenschaftler:innen aus der Ukraine - Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften - LMU München ( 

Підтримка дослідників та науковців (ОНОВЛЮЄТЬСЯ) | Lvivcenter