
  • IWM Acting Rector Ivan Vejvoda to Moderate European Contexts Event
    The event is entitled: Social Democracy in Europe: Rise, Demise, Ideological Twists and Political Choices. 
  • Ivan Vejvoda Appointed Acting Rector of the IWM
    The IWM is pleased to announce that Permanent Fellow Ivan Vejvoda has been selected to be the Acting Rector of the Institute.
  • Veranstaltung: Belarus ein Jahr nach den Massenprotesten: Wie weiter? 10.9.21, 18:00 CET, IWM Library
    Im Sommer und Herbst 2020 erlebte Belarus die größten Massenproteste seiner Geschichte. Sie richteten sich gegen die manipulierten Präsidentschaftswahlen und das autokratische Regime von Aljaksandr Lukaschenka, der das Land seit 1994 regiert. Die…
  • Introducing a New Podcast Series - Between Dream and Tragedy: Europe’s Story After 1989
    The Institute is delighted to announce a new six part documentary podcast series, by former Europe's Futures Fellow Luke Cooper.  The series, entitled "Between Dream and Tragedy: Europe’s story after 1989" will be released fortnightly and is…
  • IWMpost 127 out now!
    The latest issue of the IWM's magazine, IWMpost, is now available in both digital and hard copies. “History and memory” make up the central focus of this issue. 
  • New Europe's Futures Podcast Episode Released
    A new episode of our podcast Vienna Coffee House Conversations has been released. In each episode our Permanent Fellow, Ivan Vejvoda is in conversation with a current IWM Fellow. This time he talks with Albena Azmanova.