Andrew Bove
Tatiana Zhurzhenko
“Language Politics” in Contemporary Ukraine: Nationalism and Identity Formation
Inna Naletova
The Orthodox Church in the Mirror of Public Opinion: An Analysis of Recent Polls and Surveys
C. Julia Huang
What Travels? Notes on a Globalizing Buddhist Movement from Taiwan
Jyoti Mistry
Trafficking Politics in Cultural Guise: South Africa’s Coverage of Millennium 2000
Andrew Bove
The Limits of Political Culture: An Introduction to G.W.F. Hegel’s Notion of Bildung
Alessandro Barberi
Nietzsche, Freud, Saussure. Eine historische und epistemologische Transformation des Historischen rund um 1900
Veronika Wittmann
Eine Analyse wider die Homogenisierung feministischer Theorie und Praxis im Kontext der sog. Ersten und der sog. Dritten Welt
Meike Schmidt-Gleim
A Comment on Class Struggle in 20011
Kamila Kulik
Daimon ... the Citizen: Arendt and Plato’s Socrates