The Trump administration has upended all our understanding of the rules and institutions that make democracies function. Taking their cue from the US president, the forces which seek to undermine democracy are forging a network that is hammering at the foundations upon which liberal democracy depend.
In this Debating Europe panel discussion at the Burgtheater, renowned experts in political science, sociology, and investigative journalism will discuss the strategies and mechanisms by which right-wing populist and authoritarian movements operate worldwide.
They will consider how these networks mobilize across cultural and linguistic borders. They will examine the role digital platforms and social media play in disseminating anti-democratic narratives. But they will also discuss what tactics and strategy might be effective in countering this fundamental assault on our democratic values.
Jan-Werner Müller, political scientist, founding director of the Project in the History of Political Thought at Princeton University
Soli Özel, professor of International Relations at Kadir Has University, visiting fellow at the IWM
Moderation: Gerold Riedmann, editor-in-chief, DER STANDARD