Visiting Fellows / current semester

Name Fellowship period Link to Content Program Last Fellowship
Julie Klinger - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Critical Raw Materials and Competing Futures on Earth and in Space
Sophia Korn - /program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators <a href="/program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators" hreflang="en">Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators</a> Rabbi Nachman: Sipurei Maasiyot [The Tales of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav] (YID > UKR)
Robert Kostro - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> New Historical Museums and Memory Wars in Poland
Klaudia Kuchno - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> What Did It Mean to Be “European” in Early Modern Florence?
Stefan Meister - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> The End of Russian Hegemony: Changing Regional Order in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia
Sofia Elena Merli - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> Post-Europe and the Ethos of Responsibility. Rethinking Europe since Jan Patočka and CEE’s dissidents
Vukoman Milenkovic - /program/see-graduate-scholarships <a href="/program/see-graduate-scholarships" hreflang="en">SEE Graduate Scholarships</a> Exploring Leibniz’s View of Infinite Numbers and Its Possible Evolution
Yegor Mostovshikov - /program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists <a href="/program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists" hreflang="en">Milena Jesenská Fellowship for Journalists</a> Identity Looted: Tracing Ukraine's Lost Art in Russia’s Black Hole
Cas Mudde - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Rethinking the Far Right
Gwendolyn Murphy - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Theoretical Design and Implications of a Central ET-CRM Data Repository
Anna Narinskaya - /program/the-world-in-pieces <a href="/program/the-world-in-pieces" hreflang="en">The World in Pieces</a> The Soviet Jews of the Stagnation Era and Their Dual Identity: "Jewishness" and Russian Culture
Astrea Nikolovska - /program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship <a href="/program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship" hreflang="en">CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellowship</a> The Social (Half)Life of Depleted Uranium in Serbia: From “Cancer Epidemics” to Energy Transitions
Ayobami Onanuga - /program/digital-humanism-fellowship <a href="/program/digital-humanism-fellowship" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Fellowship</a> Female Sexual Agency, Liberatory Advocacies, and the Digital Space in Nigerian Online YouTube Platforms
Soli Özel - /program/europes-futures
<a href="/program/europes-futures" hreflang="en">Europe’s Futures</a><br/><a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Exploring the Genesis Moment: Tracking the Making of a New World Order and Europe’s Place in It
Katja Petrowskaja - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Shatters
Vojtěch Pojar - /program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship <a href="/program/ceu-iwm-postdoctoral-fellowship" hreflang="en">CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellowship</a> Experts in Post-Imperial Transitions: Entanglements and Diverging Trajectories of Eugenicists between the Habsburg Empire and the Nation States, c. 1900–1939
Kirill Rogov - /program/the-world-in-pieces <a href="/program/the-world-in-pieces" hreflang="en">The World in Pieces</a> Russia 2030 and Beyond: Long-term Military Putinism — What Does It Mean for Russia, Europe and the World?