Wie steht es um die Verantwortung in einer digital-globalen Welt? |
Panels and Discussions |
Shalini RanderiaViola Raheb, Heide Schmidt, Renata Schmidtkunz |
Series: Panels and Discussions
Series: Panels and Discussions
Vienna Humanities Festival |
Festivals |
Series: Festivals
Series: Festivals
Europe and Austria: The Shape of the Future? |
Panels and Discussions |
Holly CaseMiloš Vec Erhard Busek |
Series: Panels and Discussions
Series: Panels and Discussions
The Affects of Democracy |
Lecture |
Chantal Mouffe |
Series: Lecture
Series: Lecture
Sphere of Influence III |
Lecture |
Ivan KrastevStephen Kotkin |
Series: Lecture
Series: Lecture
Sphere of Influence II |
Lecture |
Ivan VejvodaStephen Kotkin |
What, if anything, is the Difference between Fascism and Communism?
Series: Lecture
What, if anything, is the Difference between Fascism and Communism?
Series: Lecture
Sphere of Influence I |
Lecture |
Shalini RanderiaStephen Kotkin |
Lecture I: The Gift of Geopolitics: How Worlds are Made, and Unmade
Series: Lecture
The liberal, rules-based international order did not take shape predominantly as a consequence of highmindedness, but as a sphere of influence. That, moreover, was to a great extent inspired, and sustained, by a comprehensive cold war with the Soviet Union (or Second World, as it was once called). The sphere of influence known as the West played a significant part in European integration, spurred phenomenal global investments in science and research, gave additional impetus to desegregation and civil rights in the U.S, and more.
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Lecture I: The Gift of Geopolitics: How Worlds are Made, and Unmade
Series: Lecture
The liberal, rules-based international order did not take shape predominantly as a consequence of highmindedness, but as a sphere of influence. That, moreover, was to a great extent inspired, and sustained, by a comprehensive cold war with the Soviet Union (or Second World, as it was once called). The sphere of influence known as the West played a significant part in European integration, spurred phenomenal global investments in science and research, gave additional impetus to desegregation and civil rights in the U.S, and more.
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Leben wir im Zeitalter des Populismus? |
Panels and Discussions |
Jan-Werner MüllerHeinz Bude, Roger Köppel, Karin Priester, Alexandra Föderl-Schmid |
Speakers: Jan-Werner MüllerHeinz Bude, Roger Köppel, Karin Priester, Alexandra Föderl-Schmid
Series: Panels and Discussions
Speakers: Jan-Werner MüllerHeinz Bude, Roger Köppel, Karin Priester, Alexandra Föderl-Schmid
Series: Panels and Discussions
Migration, Asylum and Human Rights |
Panels and Discussions |
Ivan KrastevMichael Ignatieff, Christian Ultsch |
Series: Panels and Discussions
Series: Panels and Discussions
Europa, USA: Was ändert sich mit Trump? |
Panels and Discussions |
Alison SmaleIvan KrastevJudy DempseyRobert Dornhelm, Jim Kolbe, Alexandra Föderl-Schmid |
Series: Panels and Discussions
Series: Panels and Discussions