This five-part documentary series captures the profound personal stories of individuals from both sides of the sectarian divide, whose lives were shaped by The Troubles. Through intimate testimonies, it reveals the impact of the conflict—from a son whose mother was abducted by the IRA, to a loyalist grappling with a family secret. Spanning from the outbreak of violence in the late 1960s to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, the series offers a deeply human perspective on a tumultuous chapter of Northern Ireland’s history.
Following the film screening (original version with English subtitles), producer Rachel Hooper and Misha Glenny of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna) partook in a panel discussion. The screening and panel discussion was presented in cooperation with this human world.
Rachel Hooper is the Creative Director of Walk on Air films, a production company based in Northern Ireland. She has a track record in collaborative film-making and has worked with the BBC, RTE, Channel 4, HBO, Arte and other major European broadcasters. Her films have gone on to win BAFTA, Grierson and RTS awards amongst others.
Misha Glenny is the rector of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna), one of Austria’s leading advanced research institutes. A former BBC Central Europe Correspondent who covered the revolutions in Eastern Europe and the wars in the former Yugoslavia, Misha is an expert on the geo-politics of cyber security and organised crime.
You can watch the trailer here: