Visiting Fellows / current semester

Name Fellowship period Link to Content Program Last Fellowship
Cameron Abadi - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Can Germany Learn to Love Its Military Again?
Arber Ahmeti - /program/see-graduate-scholarships <a href="/program/see-graduate-scholarships" hreflang="en">SEE Graduate Scholarships</a> Kosovo Specialist Chambers as a New Model of Internationalized Courts: Legal, Political and Discursive Implications for Transitional Justice
Hans Akkermans - /program/digital-humanism-program <a href="/program/digital-humanism-program" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Program</a> Digital Transformation and Global Development: Decolonizing the Future
Nikola Bečanová - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Růžena Vacková as a Critic of the 1930s and early 1940s
Filip Borek - /program/jozef-tischner-fellowship <a href="/program/jozef-tischner-fellowship" hreflang="en">Józef Tischner Fellowship</a> Sense in the Making: Husserl's The Origin of Geometry and the Question of Invention
Paulina Ciucka - /program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators <a href="/program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators" hreflang="en">Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators</a> Aneta Anra: Jehudit. Pasaulis galėtų būti toks gražus [Jehudit. How Beautiful the World Could Be] (LIT > POL)
Franziska Davies - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program</a> Beyond Empire: Poland, Ukraine, and the End of Moscow’s Hegemony in Central Eastern Europe, 1980-1991
Albert Dikovich - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> Europe, Post-Europe, and the Pathic Limitation of the Political
Natalia Dziadyk - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-junior-fellowship <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-junior-fellowship" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Junior Fellowship</a> Displaced People from Ukraine in Prague: New Political Subjectivities and Relations of Solidarity
Anastasia Felcher - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program</a> 2025 Archival Development
Sámuel Gábor - /program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators <a href="/program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators" hreflang="en">Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators</a> Karl Kerényi: Antike Religion [The Religion of the Greeks and Romans] (GER > HUN)
Ognyan Georgiev - /program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists <a href="/program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists" hreflang="en">Milena Jesenská Fellowship for Journalists</a> A Tale of Three Cities
Peter Giraudo - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> Political Trade Unionism: Industrial Cooperation and the Construction of the Class Struggle in Fin-de-siècle Europe
Julia Golachowska - /program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship <a href="/program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jerzy Giedroyc Fellowship</a> Phantom (Border)Lands in the Late Memory Boom
Nino Gozalishvili - /program/digital-humanism-fellowship <a href="/program/digital-humanism-fellowship" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Fellowship</a> Digital Pathways and Transnational Frames: The Mobilization of Georgia’s Young Far Right
Cagla Deste Ekin Güner - /program/see-graduate-scholarships <a href="/program/see-graduate-scholarships" hreflang="en">SEE Graduate Scholarships</a> Resistance, Temporariness and Political (Dis)Continuity: Urban Governance and Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in Hamburg and Izmir
Christopher R. Hill - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> The Balkans: Thirty Years after the Dayton Peace Accords
Karolina Jesień - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> An Anti-Nationalist Organic Wholeness? Walter Benjamin and the Body of Humankind at the Turn of the 1920s
Solmaz Khorsand - /program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists <a href="/program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists" hreflang="en">Milena Jesenská Fellowship for Journalists</a> Legal Warriors
Artur Klinau - /program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship <a href="/program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jerzy Giedroyc Fellowship</a> City of Utopia, City of Empire. Performative Practices of Power