
Ivan Vejvoda standing in the IWM library

Ivan Vejvoda Appointed Acting Rector of the IWM

The IWM is pleased to announce that Permanent Fellow Ivan Vejvoda has been selected to be the Acting Rector of the Institute.
Empty library set up for an event

Das IWM sucht eine:n Senior Event Manager:in

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab dem 1. Oktober 2021 eine:n Senior Event Manager:in (Vollzeit). Zu den Aufgaben der Stelle gehören die Konzeption, Planung inkl. Budgetierung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung der…
Flax Foundation Logo

The Emma Goldman Awards 2021

The Emma Goldman Award Ceremony is for research on feminism and inequality. The presentation of the 2021 Emma Goldman Award winners, and the 2020 Snowball Awardees at the IWM on September 2, 2021

ERC Mentoring Initiative - Call for Applications

The Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM), Vienna is an independent institute of advanced study in the humanities and social sciences. Together with the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN…
Protest in the streets - Belarus - Minsk street barricaded

Veranstaltung: Belarus ein Jahr nach den Massenprotesten: Wie weiter? 10.9.21, 18:00 CET, IWM Library

Im Sommer und Herbst 2020 erlebte Belarus die größten Massenproteste seiner Geschichte. Sie richteten sich gegen die manipulierten Präsidentschaftswahlen und das autokratische Regime von Aljaksandr Lukaschenka, der das Land seit 1994 regiert. Die…

New Visiting Fellows Starting in September

After a quieter academic year with fewer visiting fellows able to be in residence, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are delighted to be fully open again and will be joined by 25 new fellows in the month of September.  

Latest Podcast Episode Discusses Fascism and the Ills of Contemporary Politics

In the last episode of the second series of Democracy in Question?, IWM Rector Shalini Randeria meets with Prof. Jason Stanley of Yale University and visiting IWM Fellow, to talk about his two books, “How Propaganda Works” and “…
Painted flag of Ukraine on a door

Thirty Years of Ukrainian Independence

In 2021 Ukraine celebrates the 30th anniversary of its independence. The largest country in Europe is no terra incognita, yet it has a huge potential waiting to be discovered. To mark the occasion the IWM has published a new In Focus page…
The IWM Library with a seating area near the periodicals section.

IWM Library Open

We are happy to announce that after the summer break the IWM library is open again to visitors. Our collection includes books by our Permanent Fellows, translations resulting from our Paul Celan Fellowships, books connected to current and former…
Kurt Biedenkopf talking at a conference

Vordenker und Freund des IWM. In memoriam Kurt Biedenkopf

Am 12. August starb Kurt Biedenkopf. Er war langjähriges Mitglied im Kuratorium des IWM und dem Institut seit den Anfangsjahren als Freund und Ratgeber verbunden. In den Nachrufen dieser Tage wird er gewürdigt als eine der politischen Leitfiguren…
Democracy in Question Podcast logo

Why are Reproductive Rights so Contentious in the US and Argentina? 

In the ninth episode of Democracy in Question?’s second season, Shalini Randeria is joined by activists Katha Pollitt and Tamara Tenenbaum for an urgent conversation on reproductive rights in democracies around the world.
Gloria Benedikt

Visiting Fellow Gloria Benedikt appearing at European Forum Alpbach

Visiting Fellow Gloria Benedikt, who explores how we can harness the power of collective experience to support societal transformation, will be presenting her new work Breath, a multimedia performance, at the Technology Symposium of the…