
headshot of Helga nowotny, smiling into the camera, wearing a black top and a pink jacket

Scholar Helga Nowotny Awarded Yehuda Elkana Fellowship

Helga Nowotny is one of the most prominent scholars in science studies worldwide, an area that counted Yehuda Elkana as one of its pioneers and promoters. For several decades she has been one of the most influential institution builders in European…
Shalini in a red jacket stands in the IWM library holding a book

Rektorin Shalini Randeria fragt “Wer ist das Volk?” in der Zeit Online

IWM Rektorin Shalini Randeria hat einen Artikel in der Zeitung "Die Zeit" veröffentlicht, in welchem sie den Begriff und die Entwicklung des “sanften” Autoritarismus anhand konkreter Beispiele betroffener Staaten…
soft authoriarianims logo

New Blog from our Podcast Partner

While we are currently recording the second season of our Democracy in Question podcast, the Research Group on Soft Authoritarianisms, our partner at Bremen University, initiated a blog series with commentaries on podcast episodes, …

Germany Needs Change. Europe Needs Integration.

Europe's Futures Visiting Fellow, Judy Dempsey, in this post, discusses the current political situation in Germany, and its outlook for the future of Europe.
A black and white headshot of Martin Krol, looking away from the camera, smiling

In Memoriam Marcin Król (1944-2020)

"We were stupid." Marcin Król interviewed by Grzegorz Sroczyński, 7 February 2014, Gazeta Wyborcza, excerpted. Translation by Timothy Snyder.
Shalini Randeria wearing an yellow top and scarf, leans on a ladder in the IWM library

Welcome to the new IWM website

The IWM aims to promote intellectual exchange across disciplines and regions, between academia and society, between experts and a variety of publics. Our new website offers a window into life at the IWM and brings you insights into the work…

Introducing our fellows arriving in April

In April we welcome five new fellows to the IWM. Read on for more information about their projects, affiliations and their associated programs.
Adam Zagajewski in front of book shelves in the IWM library giving a talk

In fremden Städten bleiben

Erinnerung an Adam Zagajewski (Lemberg/Lviv 1945 – Krakau/Craców 2021)
Fotocredit: Robert Newald, The participants in the debate sit on stage beneath a large screen reading Europa im Diskurs

Die Impfung – ein knappes Gut? Europa im Diskurs-Debatte

Der Theatersaal des Burgtheaters musste nicht nur zum Bedauern von Direktor Martin Kušej erneut leer bleiben – doch virtuell verfolgten am Sonntagvormittag zahlreiche Zuschauer*innen die Europa im Diskurs-Debatte zum Thema…
A displacement camp comprising 2 rows of container housing and a temporary road between them. in the foreground is some brightly coloured washing. in the background three small children walk away from the camera.

Call for Applications for Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants Workshop

Applications are now open for the 2021 Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants.
headshot of Felix Ackermann in black and white. He is wearing a dark shirt and light jacket standing in front of a wall of framed pictures.

IWM Visiting Fellow Comments on Lukashenko’s Cultural Activist Crackdown

Last week, the largest newspaper in Poland Gazeta Wyborcza published an article by our current Visiting Fellow Felix Ackermann about the ongoing repression of the cultural activists in Belarus.
Shalini Randeria, wearing a red jacket, is standing in the IWM library holding a book.

Rector Randeria Asking Is Facebook a Danger to Democracy?

Shalini Randeria on a Swiss Broadcasting Corporation podcast tackling whether the information sharing has become a democracy and to human rights?