Chronicle from Belarus
Interviews are divided into the following subcategories:
- Interviews with artists, writers, philosophers etc.
- Interviews with journalists and activists.
- Interviews with sportsmen/women.
- Interviews with politicians.
Texts are posted in their original language, with their titles translated into English and a link to a translation of the whole text when available. Postings are listed chronologically, with the most recent material first.
Interviews with artists, writers, philosophers etc.
- sn-plus in Interview with philologist, translator, and politician Lyavon Barshcheuski
Original BE Лявон Баршчэўскі: “Перачытваю Маркеса з-за падобнай унутранай сітуацыі — адначаснай вонкавай несвабоды і ўнутранай свабоды”
[Lyavon Barshcheuski: "I am rereading Marquez because of such an internal situation - simultaneous external lack of freedom and internal freedom"], CH+, October 7, 2021. - Bogdana Aleksandrovskaya in Interview with philisopher and methodologsit Vladimir Matskevich
Original RU Философ Мацкевич из СИЗО в Минске: Нужно начинать все сначала
[Philosopher Matskevich from a pre-trial detention center in Minsk: We need to start all over again], DW Belarus, August 24, 2021. - Yuri Drakahrust in Interview with Belarusian philisopher and intellectual Piotr Rudkowski
Original BE «Неверагодны 2020-ы». Пётра Рудкоўскі: «Дэмакратыя — гэта доля тых, хто верыць у сэнс спробаў»
["The Incredible 2020s." Piotr Rudkowski: "Democracy is the destiny of those who believe in the meaning of attempts"], RFE/Radio Liberty, August 4, 2021. - Euroradio Live in Interview with politologist Andrey Yagoravym
Original BE and RU Ці зробяць рэпрэсіі НДА мацнейшымі? | Сделают ли репрессии гражданское общество сильнее?
[Will the repression make NGOs stronger?], Euroradio - YouTube, August 1, 2021. - Elena Fanailova in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU “Надзирать и наказывать”
["To discipline and to punish"], RFE/Radio Liberty, July 12, 2021. - Marina Naprushkina in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE „Die Frauen haben die Proteste geprägt durch horizontale Beziehungen und Empathie“ Ein Gespräch mit Olga Shparaga
["The women shaped the protests through horizontal relationships and empathy" A conversation with Olga Shparaga], Kultur Mitte Magazin, July 6, 2021. - Vladimir Korkunov in Interview with poet and translator Hanna Komar
Original RU «Меня взяли во время марша…»
["They took me during the march ..."], paradigma #3/21, July 2021. - Yana Karpova in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU Философ о белорусской революции: Общество заговорило на языке феминизма
[Philosopher about the Belarusian Revolution: Society started to speak on the language of feminism], Deutsche Welle, June 30, 2021. - Natasha Chichasova
Original RU Антонина Стебур: «Свобода — это те усилия, которые мы делаем каждый день»
[Antonina Stebur: "Freedom is the effort we make every day"], artslooker, June 29, 2021. - Elisabeth von Thadden in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE Die Sichtbare
[The visible one], Die Zeit Nr.24/2021, June 9, 2021. - Simona Merkinaite from Vilnius in Interview with Ukrainian historian and sociologist Yevhenii Monastyrskyi
Original EN The history of revolutions: Democracy in action or democracy in turmoil?, New Eastern Europe, May 26, 2021. - Yulia Mitskevich in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU Шпарага: Феминизм в Беларусі, Протесты и роль Женщина в Будущем Страны
[Shparaga: feminism in Belarus, protests and role of Woman in the future of the country], FRIIDA BELL channel - YouTube, May 19, 2021. - Euroradio Live in Interview with IT-Expert Maksim Bagratsou
Original RU and BE Як на ІТ-бізнесе адаб’ецца пераслед партала | Как на IТ-бизнесе отразится "наезд" на
[How the pursuit of the portal TUT.BY will affect IT-Business?], Euroradio - YouTube, May 19, 2021. - DW Belarus in Interview with Belarusian singer Rusya
Original BE "Тыран, які "кастрыруе" беларускіх мужчын" - спявачка Руся пра Лукашэнка, пераезд у Кіеў і жыццё
["Tyrant, who emasculates "Belarusian men" - singer Rusya about Lukashenko, moving to Kyiv and life], Deutsche Welle Belarus - YouTube, May 16, 2021. - Anna Zlatkovskaya in Interview with political scientist and methodologist Andrey Egorov
Original RU Стратегии абстрактного характера не работают. Анализ протестной Беларуси
[Abstract strategies don't work. Analysis of protest Belarus],, May 12, 2021. - Aleksandr Delfinov in Interview with poet and translator Hanna Komar and poet Dmitry Strotsev
Original RU "Сдулся" ли протест в Беларуси?
[Is the protest in Belarus going down?], Deutsche Welle, May 3, 2021. - Yan Maksimiuk in Interview with poet Yulya Tsimafeyeva
Original BE Юлія Цімафеева пра «траўму ненармальнасьці» і «моўную дыстанцыю»
[Yulia Tsimafeyeva on "trauma of abnormality" and "language distance"], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, February 2, 2021. - Maria Meliohina in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU «Забудьте, что вы знали до этого». Представитель Тихановской – о новой модели образования, которая «лучше, чем в Оксфорде»
["Forget what you knew before." Representative of Tikhanovskaya - about the new model of education, which is "better than Oxford"],, February 1, 2021. - Simone Brunner in Interview with Belarusian writer Viktor Martinowitsch
Original DE «Sobald ihr aufhört, Fragen zu stellen, wird hier das Töten wieder anfangen»
[“As soon as you stop asking questions, the killing will start here again”],, January 25, 2021. - Inna Shilina in Interview with philosopher Olga Sparaga
Original RU Философ Ольга Шпарага. «К нам обращено лицо — мы не можем не отвечать»
[Philosopher Olga Shparaga. “A face is turned to us – we cannot but answer”],, January 12, 2021. - Lesia Rudnik
Original RU Лесі цікава: Чем беларусы должны гордиться сейчас и как жить в 2021 – рассказали Богрецов, Левченко, Шпарага
[Lesi is interested: What Belarusians should be proud of now and how to live in 2021 – comments of Bogretsov, Levchenko, Shparaga], Центр новых идей –, January 1, 2021. - in interview with artist and graphic designer Anna Redko
Original RU Красно-белые картины белорусского протеста художницы Анны Редько
[Red and white paintings of Belarusian protest by artist Anna Redko], currenttime tv – настоящее время, December 2020. - currenttime in interview with artist and graphic designer Anna Redko
Original BE «Гэтыя людзі робяць гісторыю». Беларуская мастачка малюе пратэсты супраць Лукашэнкі
[“These people are making history.” Belarusian artist paints protests against Lukashenka], RFL – Radio Liberty, December 5, 2020. - in Interview with social scientist Nelly Bekus
Original RU «Даже стиль вашей одежды показывает, вы субъект или объект выбора». Исследовательница – о том, как мы изменились за 26 лет,, December 2, 2020. - EN Politics and identity in Belarus, translated from Russian by Markian Dobczansky for IWM Chronicle from Belarus and Eurozine, February 16, 2021.
- Sergei Saharov in Interview with Belarusian writer Viktor Martinovich
Original RU Большое интервью с Виктором Мартиновичем: «Я сейчас часто плачу» (плюс топ-5 авторов, которых нужно прочитать в эти времена),, November 30, 2020. - EN Big interview with Viktor Martinovich: “Nowadays I often cry now”, translated from Russian by Markian Dobczansky for IWM Chronicle from Belarus and Eurozine, February 2, 2021.
- Tobias Rapp and Volker Weidermann in Interview with Belarusian writer, Nobel prize winner Svetlana Alexievich
Original EN “I’m horrified By What Is Happening in Belarus”, Der Spiegel, November 11, 2020. - Polina Sadovskaya (Kovaleva) in Interview with poet Valzhyna Mort
Original EN The PEN Ten: an Interview with Valzhyna Mort, PEN America, November 5, 2020. - Alesia Pesenko in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU “Под голову клали бутылки с теплой водой”. Философ Ольга Шпарага про арест, лекции в камере и сестринство, лекции в камере и сестринство
[“They put bottles of warm water under their heads.” Philosopher Olga Shparaga about arrest, lectures in the cell and nursing, lectures in the cell and nursing],, November 5, 2020. - Sviatlana Kurganava in Interview with poet and translator Hanna Komar
Original BE Ганна Комар – пра тое, як з «сутак» нараджаецца мастацкі тэкст
[Anna Komar about how an artistic text can be born from prison “days”],, October 28, 2020. - Michel Eltchaninoff in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE “Menschen werden Bürger”
["People become citizens"], Philosophie Magazin, October 15, 2020. - Cristiane Kaess in Interview with author Wladimir Kaminer
Original DE Proteste in Belarus „große Hoffnung“ auch für viele Russen
[Protests in Belarus "great hope" for many Russians too],, October 9, 2020. - Elisabeth von Thadden in interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE “Sie hatten mehr Angst als ich”
["They had more fear than me"], Die Zeit Nr.42/2020, October 8, 2020. - Alesya Pesenko in Interview with artist Nadya Sayapina
Original RU «Боялась грубости и применения силы». Художница Надя Саяпина нарисовала камеру и сокамерниц
[“I was afraid of being rude and using force.” Artist Nadya Sayapina drew a camera and inmates],, October 3, 2020. - Original RU Экс-преподаватель БГУ: «Меня поставили перед выбором — либо что-то делай, либо будут увольнять»
[Ex-teacher of BSU: “I was faced with a choice – either do something or they will fire you”], Саліdарнасць, gazetaby, October 2, 2020.
DE Ein ehemaliger Lehrer der Belarussischen Staatsuniversität (BGU): “Ich wurde vor die Wahl gestellt, entweder selbst etwas zu tun oder gefeuert zu werden.” translated from Russian by Martin Malek for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, October 5, 2020. - Lidiia Akryshora in interview with artist and painter Yana Chernova
Original RU Автор картины «Белорусская Венера» художница Яна Чернова: «Люди просто бояться говорить. А хочется жить, а не бояться»
EN The author of the painting “Belarusian Venus” artist Yana Chernova: “People are just afraid to talk. And you want to live, not be afraid.”, translated from Russian by Kamila Orlova for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, September 22, 2020. - Steven Fee in interview with poet and translator Hanna Kommar
Original EN The PEN Pod: Resisting political violence and dictatorship in Belarus with Hanna Komar, PEN America, September 25, 2020. - Elena Fanailova in interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU «Авторитаризм – не такая простая штука». Беларусь и женский протест
[“Authoritarianism is not an easy thing.” Belarus and the female protest], Radio Liberty, September 20, 2020. - Manfred Maurer in Interview with philisopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE Belarussische Oppositionelle Shparaga: “Russland will keine demokratischen Nachbarn!“
[Belarusian opposition party Shparaga: "Russia doesn't want democratic neighbors!"],, September 17, 2020. - Elisabeth von Thadden in interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE Die Grenze der Leidensfähigkeit war erreicht
[The limit of suffering had been reached], Zeit online, September 5, 2020. - Larysa Danylenko in Interview with poet Dmitry Strotsev
Original UA Дмитрий Строцев: Фюрер Лукашенко готовился к Майдану, а получил евалюцию
[Führer Lukashenko was preparing for a Maidan, but what he got was evolution rather than revolution], Ukrainska Pravda, August 25, 2020. - Kerstin Holm in Interview with Belarusian writer Viktor Martinovich
Original DE „Dieser Gewalt kann man nur Liebe und Schwäche entgegensetzen“,
[You can oppose this violence only with love and weakness], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung –, August 25, 2020. - Ludger Hagedorn / Klaus Nellen in interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original DE “Es geht jetzt um die demokratische Zukunft von Belarus”,
[Now it is about the democratic future of Belarus], for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 19, 2020. - Aljaksandr Adamjanc and Olga Shparaga
Original DE Belarus – eine res publica, Osteuropa, August 18, 2020.
EN For a Belarusian res publica, translated by Simon Garnett for Eurozine, August 24, 2020. - Christian Gibbons and Volha Biziukova
Original EN This is a war of terror by the state against the people, Treffpunkt Europa, August 16, 2020. - Maciej Stasinski in Interview with American historian Timothy Snyder
Original PL Prof. Timothy Snyder: Słuchajmy, co mówią nam Białorusini
[Timothy Snyder in interview: “Listen to what the Belarusians are telling us”], Gazeta Wyborcza, August 14, 2020. - Filip Noubel in Interview with poet Valzhyna Mort
Original EN ‘This is a partisan movement of a partisan nation’: a Belarusian poet reflects on her homeland’s turmoil, Global Voices, August 14, 2020.
RU «Это партизанское движение партизанской нации»: белорусская поэтесса размышляет о волнениях на своей родине
FR « C’est un mouvement partisan d’une nation partisane » : une poétesse bélarussienne réfléchit sur les troubles dans son pays
PL ,,To ruch partyzancki partyzanckiego narodu”: białoruska poetka o zamieszkach w ojczyźnie
Interviews with journalists and activists
- Radio Liberty in interview with activist Maria Kolesnikova from prison
Original BE Калесьнікава: «Турма — агіднае месца, але тут я асабліва пачуваюся свабоднай»
[Kolesnikova: "Prison is a disgusting place, but here I feel especially free"], RFE/Radio Liberty, September 30, 2021.
RU Мария Колесникова: "Тюрьма - это отвратительное место, но здесь я особенно чувствую себя свободной", BBC, September 30, 2021. - Anastasia Aleksandrovich in Interview with the lawyer of oppositionist Maria Kolesnikova Vladimir Pylchenko
Original RU Прокурор запросил срок для Знака и Колесниковой, идут прения сторон. Что еще рассказал адвокат Владимир Пыльченко?
[The prosecutor has requested a time limit for Znak and Kolesnikova, and the parties are debating. What else did the lawyer Vladimir Pylchenko say?],, August 30, 2021. - Arina Polzik in Interview with a founder of "Pressclub Bealrus" Julia Slutskaja
Original RU Юлия Слуцкая после помилования: "Мы оговорили только себя, и мы это переживем
[Yulia Slutskaya after the pardon: "We only slandered ourselves, and we will survive it"], DW Belarus, August 20, 2021. - in Interview with Head of Belarussian Journalist Association Andriy Bastunets and representative of the human rights organization Human Constanta Aleksey Kozlyuk
Original BE Правда под запретом: останутся ли в Беларуси журналисты? | PS - пока свободны
[The Truth Is Banned: Will Journalists Remain in Belarus? | PS - still free], - YouTube, July 10, 2021. - Bohdana Aleksandrovskaya in Interview with a lawyer Maxim Znak
Original RU Максим Знак: "Текст обвинения похож на сценарий голливудского блокбастера"
[Maxim Znak: "The text of the accusation is similar to the script of a Hollywood blockbuster"], Deutsche Welle, June 17, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with human right defender Ales' Beliatskiy
Original BE «Любая просьба аб памілаваньні — гэта прызнаньне віны, свайго „злачынства“»
["Any request for pardon is an admission of guilt, own "crime" so to say," - Beliatskiy], RFE/Radio Liberty, June 9, 2021. - in Interview with mother of Nexta Media journalist, who was hijacked, Roman Protasevich
Original RU «Я горжусь своим сыном. Он — герой» Интервью мамы журналиста Романа Протасевича. Ради его задержания в Минске экстренно посадили самолет Ryanair
EN ‘I’m proud of my son. He’s a hero’ Meduza speaks to the mother of jailed Belarusian journalist Roman Protasevich,, May 24, 2021. - Gutaryla Katsyaryna Karpitskaya in Interview with blogger Volha Takarchuk
Original BE Блогерку Вольгу Такарчук затрымалі на вачах у дзяцей, а яшчэ над ёй вісіць крымінальная справа — даведаліся, што адбываецца ў сям'і
[Blogger Olga Takarchuk was detained before her children, and her criminal case], Наша Ніва–, May 19, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with israeli arabish, documentalist Ksenia Sviatlova
Original BE «Тэрарысты ня любяць нічыіх дзяцей». Ізраільская арабістка, аўтарка фільму пра беларускую рэвалюцыю — пра Расею, ХАМАС і «Жалезны купал»
["Terrorists do not like anybody's children." Israeli arabish, the author of the film about the Belarusian revolution - about Russia, Hamas and "Iron Dome"], RFE/Radio Liberty, May 17, 2021. - Deutsche Welle Belarus in Interview with Belarusian activist Nasta Bazar
Original BE "Самае страшнае - невядомасць": як актывістка з Беларусі дапамагае беларускім эмігрантам ва Ўкраіне
["The worst is unknown": how an activist from Belarus helps Belarusian emigrants in Ukraine], Deutsche Welle Belarus - YouTube, May 14, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with Belarusian human right defender Natalya Satsunkevich
Original BE «Быць чалавекам — небясьпечна ў Беларусі», — праваабаронца пра крытэры прызнаньня палітвязьнямі і справядлівы суд для тых, хто чыніць гвалт
["Be a man is dangerous in Belarus", - human rights activist about the recognition of political prisoners and fair judgment for those who make violence], RFE/Radio Liberty, May 13, 2021. - #august2020voices in Interview with human right defender Ales' Beliatskiy
Original RU Что будет с Беларусью? | Алесь Беляцкий
[What will happen to Belarus? | Ales Bialiatsky], YouTube - #august2020voices, May 7, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with doctor Hanna Barushko about her time in prison
Original BE «Дзяўчына з ныркавай недастатковасьцю спала на падлозе і застудзілася». Доктарка расказала пра свае «суткі»
["A girl with kidney failure slept on the floor and caught a cold." The doctor told about her prison "days"], RFE/Radio Liberty, April 26, 2021. - Natalia Gantievskaya in Interview with Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich, political observer Artem Shreimbman and Belarusian journalist Yuri Drakokhrust
Original RU and EN Почему «красный человек» боится истории? Интеллектуальный онлайн-клуб Светланы Алексиевич
[Why is the "red man" afraid of history? Intellectual online club of Svetlana Aleksievich], Press Club Belarus - YouTube, April 15, 2021. - Malanka Media
Original RU Перебои с зарплатами / Удачные протесты на предприятиях / Новые забастовки
[Wage disruptions / Successful protests in factories / New strikes], Malanka Media - YouTube, April 9, 2021. - Coordination Council in Interview with human right defender Ales' Beliatskiy
Original BE Алесь Бяляцкі пра падтрымку палітзняволеных
[Ales' Beliatskiy about support for political prisoners], Coordination Council – YouTube, April 5, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with activist and psychologist Zoia Kovalkova, Gomel
Original BE «Адчула сябе важнай і патрэбнай». Як ГУБАЗіК затрымаў псыхоляга — «адміністратарку дэструктыўнага тэлеграм-чату»
["Felt important and needed." How GUBAZIK detained a psychologist - "administrator of a destructive telegram chat"], RFE/Radio Liberty, March 26, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with Belarusian photographer Lesia Pcholka and Ukrainian human rights activist Ekaterina Pomazana
Original BE «Ты ж жывы, дык чаго скардзісься?» Беларуска і ўкраінка стварылі праект аб псыхалягічным гвалце
["You're alive, so why are you complaining?" A Belarusian and a Ukrainian woman have created a project on psychological violence], RFE/Radio Liberty, March 24, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with activist of "Country for Life" channel Olga Pavlova
Original BE «Я не гатовая жыць у Паўночнай Карэі». Актывістка «Страны для жизни» Вольга Паўлава пра карцар і галадоўку
["I'm not ready to live in North Korea." Activist of the "Country for Life" Olga Pavlova about solitary confinement and hunger strike], RFE/Radio Liberty, March 18, 2021. - Vladimir Dorokhov in Interview with human right defender Ales' Beliatskiy
Original RU Алесь Беляцкий: Таких репрессий в Беларуси не было со времен Сталина
[Ales Bialiatski: There have been no such repressions in Belarus since the time of Stalin], DW Belarus, March 21, 2021. - in Interview with Belarusian activist Nasta Bazar
Original RU «Я хочу домой – а это очень большая мотивация». Совсем скоро в Киеве может появиться «Беларускі хаб» – вот что там будет и для чего все это
["I want to go home - and this is a very big motivation." Very soon, a "Belarusian Hub" may appear in Kyiv - that's what will be there and for what is all this],, March 18, 2021. - Yevgeniia Dolgaia in Interview with political activist and physician Olga Pavlova
Original RU «На Володарского в камерах под 80% политзаключенных». Ольга Павлова — о женщинах и быте в СИЗО
["On Volodarsky in cells under 80% of political prisoners." Olga Pavlova - about women and life in a pre-trial detention center], Reformation -, March 8, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with journalist and director Sasha Ramanava
Original BE and RU Дырэктарка Нас не заблякуеш / Саша Романова: Нас не заблокируешь
[Dyrektarka We will not be blocked], "], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, February 9, 2021. - Natalia Lubnevskaia in Interview with TV-journalist Ksenia Lutskina
Original BE Гісторыя Ксеніі Луцкінай, якая 15 год працавала на БТ, а цяпер апынулася ў СІЗА за спробу стварыць альтэрнатыўны канал
[The story of Ksenia Lutskina, who worked for Belarusian TV for 15 years and is now in jail for trying to create an alternative channel], Наша Нина –, February 3, 2021. - Natalia Lubnevskaia in Interview with TV-anchor Katerina Pytleva
Original RU and BE «На меня поступил анонимный донос». Ведущая Катерина Пытлева рассказала, как с семьей уехала из Беларуси
[“I received an anonymous denunciation.” Host Katerina Pytleva told how she and her family left Belarus], Наша Нина –, February 2, 2021. - Radio Liberty in Interview with ex-worker of Belarusian Metallurgical Plant
Original BE Рабочая БМЗ, якая зьехала зь Беларусі, расказала, чаму большасьць калег не падтрымала страйку
[BMZ worker, who left Belarus, told why most colleagues did not support the strike], RFE/Radio Liberty, February 2, 2021. - Ekaterina Panteleeva in Interview with activist Inna Zaitseva
Original RU «В какой-то момент, уже в Украине, я перестала спать». Как дела у БЧБ-невесты, которая переехала в Киев
[“At some point, already in Ukraine, I stopped sleeping.” How are things with the bride in “flag colors”, who moved to Kyiv],, January 29, 2021. - Interview with postwoman Larysa Tankashkur
Original BE «Няхай мне будзе горш, але я пайду іншых абараняць». Асуджаная на арышт паштарка пра сябе і сям’ю
[“Let it be worse for me, but I will go to protect others.” A postwoman, who has been sentenced to arrest, talks about herself and her family], RFE/Radio Liberty, January 25, 2021. - Original RU «Я пробовала говорить с “ябатькой” – это в разы сложнее». Белоруска из Польши рассказывает, что нам придется менять, чтобы стать европейцами
[“I tried to speak with a yabatka – it is many times more difficult.” Belarusian from Poland says we will have to change to become Europeans],, January 19, 2021. - Polina Kuzmitskaia in Interview with activist Olga Khizhinkova
Original RU «Я не могу себя уважать, когда молчу». Ольга Хижинкова о том, что она пережила за последние месяцы
[“I cannot respect myself when I am silent.” Olga Khizhinkova about what she went through in recent months], LADY.TUT.BY, December 31, 2020. - Sania Ivulin in Interview with photographer Nadezhda Buzhan
Original RU “Мужчина отвернулся и заплакал!” Почему журналист – самая опасная профессия в Беларуси
[“The man turned away and began to cry!” Why journalist is the most dangerous profession in Belarus], ChestnOK (ЧестнОК) – YouTube Video, December 12, 2020. - Original RU and BE “Если ты не в Беларуси — ни к чему не призывай” и другие уроки переезда в Киев
[“If you are not in Belarus – do not call for anything” and other lessons of moving to Kyiv],, December 5, 2021. - Sara Monetta, Andy Smythe
Original EN Belarus: The exile sacrificing everything for the country, BBC, November 26, 2020. - Olga Pashkevich in Interview with Belarusian human rights activist Ales Beliatskyi
Original RU «Дубинками и водометами любовь не вернешь»
[“You cannot return love with clubs and water cannons”],, November 12, 2020. - Ljubov Kasperovich in Interview with worker
Original RU Самый известный рабочий Беларуси —об аресте, своем месте в политике и заводчанах
[The most famous worker in Belarus – about his arrest, his place in politics and factory workers],, October 7, 2020. - Dmitri Gurnevich in Interview with ex-police officer
Original BE and RU «Прайшоў 70 км па лесе, начаваў пад елкай і на вакзале». Былы сьледчы пра цану сыходу з сыстэмы
[Walked 70 km through the woods, spent the night under a Christmas tree and at the train station. ” A former investigator about the cost of leaving the system], Radio Liberty Belarus, October 1, 2020. - Marci Shore in Interview with historian Aliaksandr Bystryk
Original EN “Lukashenka is the abusive husband who beats his wife when she wants to leave. . .”, for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 13, 2020. - Sławomir Sierakowski in Interview with journalist Adam Michnik
Original PL Uczen Lukaszenki [Rozmowa Sierakowskiego z Michnikiem], Krytyka Polityczna, August 12, 2020.
EN Putin is a Student of Lukashenka’s: A Conversation Between Sławomir Sierakowski and Adam Michnik, translated from Polish by David Kurkovskiy for IWM Chronicle from Belarus, August 21, 2020.
Interviews with sportsmen/women
- Viktoria Kovalchuk with Belarusian champion in pentathlon Yana Maksimova
Original RU «Раньше мне было все равно, кто президент». Чемпионка Беларуси выступила против насилия и за новые выборы
["Before, I didn't care who the president was." The champion of Belarus spoke out against violence and for new elections], SPORT.TUT.BY, February 3, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with goalkeeper Natalia Vaskabovitch
Original BE and RU «Ня страшна страціць працу – страшна жыць у гвалце»
[“It’s not scary to lose a job – it’s scary to live in violence”], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, January 25, 2021. - Victoria Kovalchuk in Interview with basketball player Ekaterina Snytina
Original RU Топ-баскетболистка Беларуси не верит, что в стране все останется как есть. И вот почему
[The top basketball player in Belarus does not believe that everything in the country will remain as it is. And that’s why],, January 26, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with hockey player Yulia Abasava
Original RU and BE Хакеістка-айцішніца – пра адмену чэмпіянату і турніры Лукашэнкі
[The hockey player is talking about the cancellation of the championship and Lukashenka’s tournaments], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, January 21, 2021. - Viktoria Kovalchuk in Interview with rugby athlete Maria Shakuro
Orignial RU За 10 суток спортсменка узнала, чем кормят в тюрьме, как спать при свете и почему система не работает
[In 10 days, the athlete learned what is a food in prison, how to sleep with an active light and why the system does not work], TUT.BY, October 27, 2020.
Interviews with politicians
- Maria Meliohina in Interview with the member of Coordination Council Vitaliy Krivko
Original RU Первое (и пока последнее) интервью с Виталием Кривко. Он признался в работе в штабе Бабарико и КС – и ещё не верил, что его задержат
[The first (and so far the last) interview with Vitaliy Krivko. He confessed to working at the headquarters of Babariko and the Coordinational Council - and still did not believe that he would be detained],, August 29, 2020 / August 18, 2021 - Ruslan Kulevich in Interview with Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council Olga Kovalkova
Original RU Политик новой Беларуси про переговоры с Лукашенко и будущее страны
[New Belarus politician on talks with Lukashenka and the country's future], Мы вернемся / Руслан Кулечив - YouTube, June 9, 2021. - Slawomir Sierakowski in Interview with a former Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski
Original PL Sikorski: Łatwiej postawić się Białorusi niż Rosji
[Sikorski: It's easier to put Belarus than Russia], Krytyka Polityczna, May 26, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council Olga Kovalkova
Original BE «Ніхто ў ружовых акулярах ня ходзіць, але мяккая сіла пераможа», — Вольга Кавалькова пра вяртаньне і помсту ўладаў
["Nobody wears pink glasses, but soft power will win," - Olga Kovalkova on the return and revenge of the authorities], RFL – Radio Liberty, April 9, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council Olga Kovalkova
Original BE and RU Вольга Кавалькова – пра перамогі, у якія ня верылі / Ковалькова – про возвращение и репрессии
[Olga Kovalkova - about victories in which they did not believe / Kovalkova - about return and repression], СвабодаPremium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, April 7, 2021. - MGM in Interview with leader of Coordination Council's Feminist Group Yulia Mitskevich
Original BE Ці будзе месца жанчынам у новай Беларусі? Адказ не такі відавочны
[Will there be a place for women in the new Belarus? The answer is not so obvious], belsat TV, March 8, 2021. - Yevgenia Sugak in Interview with revolution leader Maria Kolesnikova
Original RU «До силовиков не сразу дошло, что без паспорта я не уеду»: Эксклюзивное интервью Марии Колесниковой
[“It took a while for the security officials to realize that I wouldn’t leave without a passport”: Exclusive interview with Maria Kolesnikova], The Village Belarus, February 26, 2021. - Interview with Tikhanovskaya´s Foundation leader Maria Moroz
Original BE «Быў страх, што падарвёмся ў машыне разам са Святланай». Знаёмімся з Марыяй Мароз, якая жыве з Ціханоўскай у Вільні і кіруе новым фондам
[“There was a fear that we with Svetlanawould explode in the car.” Meet Maria Moroz, who lives with Tikhonovskaya in Vilnius and manages a new foundation], Наша Ніва –, January 17, 2021. - Original RU and BE Байдэн запрасіў Ціханоўскую. Эксклюзіўнае інтэрв’ю
[Biden invited Tikhonovskaya. Exclusive interview],, November 27, 2020. - Yulia Mitskevich
Original RU #Сиделазасвободу – роль женщины в беларуской революции
[#Сиделазасвободу (Was in Jail For Freedom) – the role of women in the Belarusian revolution], Coordination Council, November 11, 2020. - Yulia Mironova in Interview with politician Yulia Mitskevich and feminist Olga Lanevskaya
Original RU Женские протесты в Беларуси. Редакционный подкаст 34mag
[Women’s protests in Belarus. 34mag editorial podcast], 34mag Editorial Podcast, October 8, 2020. - Markus Wehner, Berlin in Interview with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya
Original DE Interview mit Tichanowskaja “Lukaschenka hat die Leute wie Tiere behandelt”
["Lukashenka treated people like animals"], Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung –, October 6, 2020. - Sławomir Sierakowski in Interview with politician Donald Tusk
EN Interviews Donald Tusk: A Light in the East, Project Syndicate, September 16, 2020. - Slawomir Sierakowski in Interview with politician Donald Tusk
Original PL Tusk o wsparciu dla białoruskiej opozycji: zorganizujemy tyle środków, ile będzie potrzeba
[Donald Tusk on support for the Belarusian opposition: we will mobilize as many resources as necessary],, September 2, 2020. - Bernard-Henri Levy in Interview with politician Svetlana Tikhanovskaya
Original FR EXCLUSIF. BHL raconte sa rencontre avec l’opposante biélorusse Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa
[“Jeanne d’Arc involuntarily: interview with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya”], Le Journal du Dimanche, August 27, 2020.
RU Жанна д’Арк поневоле: интервью со Светланой Тихановской, MBK news
EN Belarus’s Unlikely Opposition Leader, WSJ, September 4, 2020.