Visiting Fellows / previous semester

Name Fellowship period Link to Content Program Last Fellowship
Tendai Ganduri - /program/digital-humanism-fellowship <a href="/program/digital-humanism-fellowship" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Fellowship</a> Communicating and Contesting Climate Change in the Global South: The Zimbabwean and South African Twitterspheres
Darren Gardner - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Resistance and Dissidence: Epimeleia in Patočka and Foucault
Lizaveta German - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program</a> A Brief History of Ukrainian Art: Wartime Introduction
Katy Hayward - /program/europes-futures <a href="/program/europes-futures" hreflang="en">Europe’s Futures</a> Discernment and Democracy: Protecting the Civic Role of the University in the Face of the AI Challenge
Petra Hlaváčková - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship
<a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a><br/><a href="/program/milena-jesenska-fellowship-for-journalists" hreflang="en">Milena Jesenská Fellowship for Journalists</a> Architecture and Emancipation: Specifics and Paradoxes of Socialist Women's Emancipation Using the Example of Women Architects
Ola Hnatiuk - /program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship <a href="/program/jerzy-giedroyc-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jerzy Giedroyc Fellowship</a> Interfaith and International Committee to Help the Territories of the Soviet Union Suffering from Hunger (1933–1935)
Alexander Iskandaryan - /program/eurasia-in-global-dialogue
<a href="/program/eurasia-in-global-dialogue" hreflang="en">Eurasia in Global Dialogue</a><br/><a href="/program/the-world-in-pieces" hreflang="en">The World in Pieces</a> The Genesis of Ethnic Cleansing: Homogenization as a Method of Nation-building
Ilya Kalinin - /program/eurasia-in-global-dialogue
<a href="/program/eurasia-in-global-dialogue" hreflang="en">Eurasia in Global Dialogue</a><br/><a href="/program/the-world-in-pieces" hreflang="en">The World in Pieces</a> "(Post)Soviet Union” of National Form and (Post)Socialist Content (Culture, Nation, Class)
Olesia Kamyshnykova - /program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators <a href="/program/paul-celan-fellowship-for-translators" hreflang="en">Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators</a> Edward Tick: Warrior’s Return: Restoring the Soul After War (ENG > UKR)
Mariia Kardash - /program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program <a href="/program/ukraine-in-european-dialogue-fellowship-program" hreflang="en">Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program</a> Analysing Stage Representation of Soviet National Minorities
Lachlan Kermode - /program/digital-humanism-fellowship <a href="/program/digital-humanism-fellowship" hreflang="en">Digital Humanism Fellowship</a> Computer Science, Cybernetics, and the Philosophy of Error: The Humanist Critique of Capitalism in an Age of Artificial Intelligence
Marek Kettner - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> From Crisis to Catastrophe: Czech Philosophy of History between Patočka and Petříček
Michal Kopeček - /program/jan-patocka-fellowship <a href="/program/jan-patocka-fellowship" hreflang="en">Jan Patočka Fellowship</a> How Liberal are Human Rights? Dissident Political Languages in East Central Europe on the Eve of 1989
Marlene Laruelle - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> Ideology as a Market: Ideological Engineering in Today’s Russia
Kadri Liik - /program/europes-futures <a href="/program/europes-futures" hreflang="en">Europe’s Futures</a> Russia’s Capacity for Self-Correction: Where Did It Come From and Where Did It Go?
Nathan Marcus - /program/guests-of-the-institute <a href="/program/guests-of-the-institute" hreflang="en">Guests of the Institute</a> The Vienna Black Market, 1943–1948