Chronicle from Belarus
- Maksimas Milta
Original RU Talaka. Маргарита Левчук
[Talaka. Margarita Levchuk], LRT Plius, October 7, 2021 - Paul Belavus
Original BE Што 10 гадоў робіць «Арт Сядзіба» і каму гэта трэба. Падкаст «Трэба» №2: Алесь Сьнег і Павел Белавус
[What "Art Manor" has been doing for 10 years and who needs it. Podcast "Need" №2: Ales Sneg and Pavel Belavus], - YouTube, October 5, 2021. - Coordination Council
Original RU Пожелания для Марии Колесниковой и Максима Знака
[Wishes for Maria Kolesnikova and Maxim Znak], Coordination Council - YouTube, August 25, 2021. - Euroradio Live in Interview with politologist Andrey Yagoravym
Original BE and RU Ці зробяць рэпрэсіі НДА мацнейшымі? | Сделают ли репрессии гражданское общество сильнее?
[Will the repression make NGOs stronger?], Euroradio - YouTube, August 1, 2021. - Coordination Council
Original RU Ольга Ковалькова о «Народной Конституции»
[Olga Kovalkova on the "People's Constitution"], Coordination Council - YouTube, July 26, 2021. - Dmitry Kruk
Original RU #ReBelarus: Дмитрий Крук — о беларусской экономике
[#ReBelarus: Dmitry Kruk - about the Belarusian economy], Flying University -, July 14, 2021. - in Interview with Head of Belarussian Journalist Association Andriy Bastunets and representative of the human rights organization Human Constanta Aleksey Kozlyuk
Original BE Правда под запретом: останутся ли в Беларуси журналисты? | PS - пока свободны
[The Truth Is Banned: Will Journalists Remain in Belarus? | PS - still free], - YouTube, July 10, 2021. - Priest Baroque
Original BE Санкцыі пракурора - гэта спроба спыніць мой ютуб-канал
[The prosecutor's sanctions are an attempt to stop my YouTube channel], Ксёндз Барок - YouTube, July 6, 2021. - Ruslan Kulevich
Original RU Политик новой Беларуси про переговоры с Лукашенко и будущее страны
[New Belarus politician on talks with Lukashenka and the country's future], Мы вернемся / Руслан Кулечив - YouTube, June 9, 2021. - Coordination Council
Original RU Люди Совета. Оксана Зарецкая
[People of the Council. Oksana Zaretskaya], Coordination Council - YouTube, June 7, 2021. - Mykhailo Katsyn in Interview with Austrian political scientist Martin Malek
Original UA and RU Ми з Михайлом Кациним. Мартін Малек. Гібридна війна
["We" Program with Mykhailo Katsyn. Martin Malek. Hybrid war], Media-Inform - YouTube, June 2, 2021. - Coordination Council
Original RU «Мы начинаем готовиться к новой активной фазе протеста». Заявление демократических сил Беларуси
["We are starting to prepare for the new active phase of protest." Statement of democratic forces of Belarus], Coordination Council – YouTube, May 26, 2021. - Timothy Snyder
Original EN Belarus’s Lukashenko “is an extreme example of what happens if you don’t count votes, The Mehdi Hasan Show, Peacock from 01:16:00 min., May 24, 2021. - Maria Matusevich aboutactivist, director of hospice in Hrodno Olga Velichko
Original RU Ольга Величко: Личная жертва хоспису / Уголовное дело за добро / Философия паллиативной помощи
[Olga Velichko: Personal Victim to Hospice / Criminal Case for Good /Philosophy of Palliamentary Care], Malanka Media - YouTube, May 21, 2021. - Euroradio Live in Interview with IT-Expert Maksim Bagratsou
Original RU and BE Як на ІТ-бізнесе адаб’ецца пераслед партала | Как на IТ-бизнесе отразится "наезд" на
[How the pursuit of the portal TUT.BY will affect IT-Business?], Euroradio - YouTube, May 19, 2021. - Yulia Mitskevich in Interview with philosopher Olga Shparaga
Original RU Шпарага: Феминизм в Беларусі, Протесты и роль Женщина в Будущем Страны
[Shparaga: feminism in Belarus, protests and role of Woman in the future of the country], FRIIDA BELL channel - YouTube, May 19, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with human rights defender of "Viasna" organisation Natalya Satsunkevich
Original BE Праваабаронца: Свабода ад катаваньняў – абсалютнае права
[Human rights activist: Freedom from torture - absolute right], СвабодаPremium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, May 11, 2021. - Press Club Belarus about journalist and activist Yulia Slutskaya
Original RU with EN subtitles Слово. Сила. Юля
[Integrity. Strength. Yulia (ENG SUBS)], Press Club Belarus - YouTube, May 3, 2021. - Olga Shparaga
Original RU Итоги Беларуси 2020: женщины обретают новые силы - Ольга Шпарага
[Results of Belarus 2020: women gain new strength - Olga Shparaga], Fem Group - YouTube, April 16, 2021. - Natalia Gantievskaya
Original RU and EN Почему «красный человек» боится истории? Интеллектуальный онлайн-клуб Светланы Алексиевич
[Why is the "red man" afraid of history? Intellectual online club of Svetlana Aleksievich], Press Club Belarus - YouTube, April 15, 2021. - Malanka Media
Original RU Перебои с зарплатами / Удачные протесты на предприятиях / Новые забастовки
[Wage disruptions / Successful protests in factories / New strikes], Malanka Media - YouTube, April 9, 2021. - Hanna Sous in Interview with Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council Olga Kovalkova
Original BE and RU Вольга Кавалькова – пра перамогі, у якія ня верылі / Ковалькова – про возвращение и репрессии
[Olga Kovalkova - about victories in which they did not believe / Kovalkova - about return and repression], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, April 7, 2021. - Coordination Council
Original BE Алесь Бяляцкі пра падтрымку палітзняволеных
[Ales Bialiatski about support for political prisoners], Coordination Council – YouTube, April 5, 2021. - Tatiana Khomich
Original RU #лістволі: письмо Марии Колесниковой читает её сестра Татьяна Хомич
[#listvolі: Maria Kolesnikova's letter is read by her sister Tatyana Khomich], Honest People - YouTube, March 19, 2021. - Maksim Bogretsov
Original RU Люди Совета. Максим Богрецов
[People of the Council. Maxim Bogretsov], Coordination Council – YouTube, March 16, 2021. - DW Belarus
Original RU Акция солидарности с белорусками прошла в Берлине
[Action of solidarity with Belarusians was held in Berlin], DW Belarus - YouTube, March 8, 2021. - Marisha Korzh
Original RU Постоять в сцепке и стать президенткой. Как изменилась роль женщины после выборов?
[Stand in the hitch and become a president. How has the role of women changed after the elections?], Coordination Council – YouTube, March 7, 2021. - Olga Abramchik
Original RU Мы не знали друг друга до этого лета. Фильм о протестах в Беларуси
[We didn’t know each other before this summer. Film about the protests in Belarus], CurrentTimeDOC – YouTube, February 2021. - Mascha Rode
Original DE Belarus: Briefe aus dem Gefängnis
[Belarus: letters from prison],, February 8, 2021. - Talk NN
Original RU Три заложницы Лукашенко: за что сажают журналистов в Беларуси / Ток НН
[Three hostages of Lukashenka: why journalists are imprisoned in Belarus / Tok NN]б Наша Ніва –, February 8, 2021. - Hanna Sous
Original BE and RU «Жанчыны зрабілі гэты пратэст мірным» / «Женщины сделали этот протест мирным»
["Women made this protest peaceful"], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, February 3, 2021. - Yan Maksimiuk
Original BE and RU «Свабодная дзіцячая літаратура можа нараджацца толькі ў свабоднай краіне»
["Free children's literature can only be born in a free country"], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, February 3, 2021. - Ales’ Burakou
Original RU Как быть феминисткой и не умереть? (выпуск 8)
[How to be a feminist and not die? (issue 8)], БСДП News – YouTube, January 27, 2021. - Hanna Sous
Original BE and RU «Ня страшна страціць працу – страшна жыць у гвалце»
[“It’s not scary to lose a job – it’s scary to live in violence”], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, January 25, 2021. - Hanna Komar
Original BE «Словы мацней» – Ганна Комар/Францішак Аляхновіч
[“Words are stronger” – Anna Komar / Franciszek Alekhnovich], Будзьма Беларусамі! – YouTube, January 25, 2021. - Hanna Sous
Original RU/BE Хакеістка-айцішніца – пра адмену чэмпіянату і турніры Лукашэнкі
[The hockey player is talking about the cancellation of the championship and Lukashenka’s tournaments], Свабода Premium, RFE/Radio Liberty – YouTube, January 21, 2021. - Original RU Жанчыны супраць гвалту | Женщины против насилия
[Women against violence], RFE/Radio Liberty, January 16, 2021. - Original RU and EN СЕСТРЫ ПРОТЕСТА | Документальный фильм 34mag | + Eng Sub
[SISTERS OF PROTEST | Documentary 34mag | + Eng Sub], – YouTube, January 14, 2021. - Original RU and BE Жаночыя маршы давялі сілавікоў да істэрыкі | Женские марши довели силовиков до истерики
[Women’s marches brought security officials to hysteria], BELSAT LIFE – YouTube, January 14, 2021. - Natalia Dulina
Original RU Наталья Дулина: Мы не смогли оставаться в стороне
[Natalya Dulina: We could not stand aside], Coordination Council – YouTube, December 16, 2020. - Investigative film
Original RU «Совет» — расследование о деятельности ультраконсервативных сил в Беларуси [“Council” – an investigation into the activities of ultra-conservative forces in Belarus], Identity and Law – YouTube, December 16, 2020. - Mezhdu prochem program
Original RU Женское лицо минского протеста – Вероника Иванова: про детей, задержания и пропаганду в СМИ
[The female face of the Minsk protest – Veronika Ivanova: about children, detentions and propaganda in the media], 12 / 52 – YouTube, December 15, 2020. - Vladimir Pugach
Original RU «Вечерний совет» с Владимиром Пугачем: Искусство и протест. Художник и власть
[“Evening Council” with Vladimir Pugach: Art and Protest. Artist and power], Coordination Council – YouTube, December 14, 2020. - Thies Schnack
Original DE “Wir werden siegen” – Swetlana Tichanowskaja in Berlin, Spiegel Politik, December 14, 2020. - Sania Ivulin in Interview with Nadezhda Buzhan
Original RU “Мужчина отвернулся и заплакал!” Почему журналист – самая опасная профессия в Беларуси
[“The man turned away and began to cry!” Why journalist is the most dangerous profession in - Original RU Минск, квир и техно-протест на фоне ОМОНа
[Minsk, queer and techno-protest against the backdrop of riot police], Karen Shainyan YouTube, December 3, 2020. - Original EN Livestream of Minsk Forum – 2nd December 2020 – deutsch-belarussische gesellschaft e.V. (dbg), Deutsch-Belarussiche Gesellschaft – YouTube, December 2, 2020.
DE Belarus im Umbruch: Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsperspektiven | 2. – 3. Dezember 2020, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – YouTube, December 2, 2020.
RU MINSK FORUM XVIII. Belarus in Upheaval. Day 1, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Belarus – YouTube, December 2, 2020. - Original RU with EN subtitles “Белая Книга Правосудия”. Презентация
[Online video-presentation of the book “Seeking Justice. Stories of Violance in Belarus”], Купалаўцы – YouTube, November 26, 2020. - Original BE Пэнсіянэркі пра ўдзел у акцыях пратэсту
[Pensioners about participating in protests, Hrodna], RFL – Radio Liberty, November 25, 2020. - Kristina Bandurina
Original BE “Літаратура — на баку праўды і справядлівасці”: відэазварот сучасных беларускіх паэтаў і паэтак
[“Literature – on the side of truth and justice”: a video message of modern Belarusian poets], YouTube Video, November 25, 2020. - Original RU Девушки-фотографы беларуских протестов | Жилетка «Пресса» – мишень?
[Female photographers of Belarusian protests | Is the “Press” vest a target?], YouTube Maksimalno, November 23, 2020. - Original RU Создатель “Мая Краіна Беларусь” рассказал подробности истории с арестом Ирины Счастной
[The creator of “Maya Kraina Belarus” told the details of the story of the arrest of Irina Schastnaya], Usy Lukashenko YouTube, November 21, 2020. - ICEUR
Original EN Round Table – Belarus and the EU: Ways out of the Crisis, YouTube – ICEUR, November 6, 2020. - Olga Kovalkova from Coordination Council
Original RU Обращение члена Президиума КС Ольги Ковальковой к госслужащим
[Appeal of a member of the Presidium of the Constitutional Court Olga Kovalkova to civil servants], Coordination Council – YouTube Video, October 28, 2020. - Anna Redko
Original EN Euronews Maria Kolesnikova poster, YouTube – Euronews, September 9, 2020. - Olga Kovalkova from Coordination Council
Original RU Обращение члена Президиума КС Ольги Ковальковой к госслужащим
[Appeal of a member of the Presidium of the Constitutional Court Olga Kovalkova to civil servants], Coordination Council – YouTube Video, October 28, 2020. - Maria Kolesnikova
Original RU Мария Колесникова: “Продолжаем идти к общей цели”
[Maria Kolesnikova: “We continue to move towards a common goal.”], YouTube Video – Viktor Babariko, October 6, 2020. - Julia Mironova
Original RU Женские протесты в Беларуси. Редакционный подкаст 34mag
[Women’s protests in Belarus. 34mag editorial podcast], 34mag Editorial Podcast, October 8, 2020. - Olga Kovalkova
Original RU Ольга Ковалькова о инициативах Координационного Совета
[Olga Kovalkova on the initiatives of the Coordination Council], YouTube Video – Coordination Council, October 2, 2020. - Milaya Zlodeyka
Freedom Belarus 2.0. Belarus has a woman’s face, YouTube Video – Freedom Belarus, September 30, 2020. - Belarusians of Australia
Original BE Memory video about demonstrants, YouTube Video, September 29, 2020. - Original RU Выдали оружие и боеприпасы: белорусские силовики о событиях после выборов,
[Arms and ammunition were given out: Belarusian security officials about the events after the elections], YouTube Video, September 28, 2020. - Original RU Using technology to identify the masked OMON officers is a new move, September 24, 2020.
- Original RU Video interview with Nina Baginskaya (Belarusian activist), Dozhd TV, September 20, 2020.
- Original BE Woman shouts to OMON: “I’m pregnant!” It didn’t help her, September 20, 2020.
- Original RU Speaking out for Solidarity with Victims and Political Prisoners, September 17, 2020.
- Original DE Appell des ersten belarussischen Botschafters Piotr Sadouski an die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, September 16, 2020.
- Anna Redko
Original EN Euronews Maria Kolesnikova poster, YouTube – Euronews, September 9, 2020. - Original EN Discussion: “Belarusian Voices in the Media,” , UCLA, September 3, 2020.
- Original EN Discussion: “Belarusian Election 2020: Unexpected Outcomes”, Aleksanteri Institute (Helsinki), September 1, 2020.
- Maksimas Milta
Original EN Interview How save can you be in Belarus?, BBC World, September 8, 2020.
Original UA Міхалок записав відеозвернення з невизнанням Лукашенка президентом
[Mikhalok recorded a video message not recognizing Lukashenko as president], Suspilne Media, August 29, 2020. - OMON contra kobiety [Women against the special forces], August 30, 2020.
- Slawomir Sierakowski, August 27, 2020.
- Original EN Debate: The Sociology of Belarusian Protest, August 25, 2020.
- Original EN Interview with Andrei Sannikov, former Deputy foreign Minister of Belarus, ICEUR – International Center for Advanced & Comparative EU-Russia, August 25, 2020.
- Original PL “Nie ma sumienia”. Rozmowa z starszą Panią na demonstracji [“He has no conscience.” A conversation with an older woman who came to the protest], August 23, 2020.
- Performed in Yiddish by Zisl Slepovitch
A Belarusian protest song,, August 19, 2020. - Workers to Lukashenko, ‘Go away!’, August 17, 2020.
- Andrey Vozyanov
Can’t find the words to explain how dreadful is the ongoing terror in Belarus, August 12, 2020. - Hundreds of girls in Minsk came out to protest against the violence, 24 Channel, August 12, 2020.
- Online stream from events in Belarus, Novaya, August 11, 2020.