Events / Ludger Hagedorn
Title | Date | Type | Speakers | Register | ||
“Original Gender, Definitive Gender”: Zinaida Gippius and the Androgynous Ideal | Seminars and Colloquia | Mischa GabowitschValentina ParisiLudger Hagedorn | ||||
Tsimtsum as a Political Theology for the Secular Age | Seminars and Colloquia | Ludger HagedornRafał Zawisza | ||||
Open Societies and Democratic Sustainability in the Shadow of Big Tech | Lecture | Allison StangerLudger Hagedorn | ||||
Ancient Philosophy and Modern Freedom in Times of Crisis | Seminars and Colloquia | Carlos FraenkelLudger Hagedorn | ||||
„Wir werden auf Russisch ermordet.“ Plädoyer für eine involvierte Sprache | Lecture | Ludger HagedornMisha GlennyGeorg Witte | ||||
Logik, Wahn, Gespenster | Festivals | Ludger HagedornMisha GlennyDaniel Kehlmann, Anna Badora, Julia Kreusch, Günther Franzmeier, Markus Meyer | Speakers: Ludger HagedornMisha GlennyDaniel Kehlmann, Anna Badora, Julia Kreusch, Günther Franzmeier, Markus Meyer
Series: Festivals
Reflections on Mass Violence: War, Excess and Responsibility | Lecture | Ludger HagedornNergis Canefe | ||||
How left-wing parties deal with immigration: Notes from France | Seminars and Colloquia | Ludger HagedornMadeleine Schwartz | ||||
Sprache Macht Politik | Panels and Discussions | Ludger HagedornNelia VakhovskaThomas Weiler, Iryna Herasimovich, Sława Lisiecka, Lyuba Yakimchuk, Ursula Ebel, Manfred Müller | Speakers: Ludger HagedornNelia VakhovskaThomas Weiler, Iryna Herasimovich, Sława Lisiecka, Lyuba Yakimchuk, Ursula Ebel, Manfred Müller
Series: Panels and Discussions
Behind the Shields of Fantasy: The Populist Aesthetics of Status Loss | Seminars and Colloquia | Adam SitzeJohannes VölzLudger Hagedorn | ||||