Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowship Program
Distinguished Guests
Understanding Ukraine, and treating Ukrainians as equal partners in our societies’ pursuit of the common values we profess, is vital for the future of the European endeavor. Initiated in 2015 by Permanent Fellow Timothy Snyder, UiED is dedicated to enabling sustained contact and exchange between scholars, public intellectuals, journalists, activists and policymakers from Ukraine and the rest of Europe.
Ukraine in European Dialogue Fellowships are awarded by invitation to notable scholars, cultural figures, and public intellectuals from Ukraine, as well as outstanding international scholars who have demonstrated longstanding intellectual solidarity with Ukraine.
The Ukraine in European Dialogue program also includes Junior Visiting Fellowships
Katherine Younger
Research Director, Ukraine in European Dialogue
More from: Distinguished Guests
The Russian-Ukrainian War, Civic Solidarities and Traumatic Limb Amputation , 01.04.2025
- 30.06.2025
Beyond Empire: Poland, Ukraine, and the End of Moscow’s Hegemony in Central Eastern Europe, 1980-1991 , 01.04.2025
- 30.06.2025
2025 Archival Development , 01.01.2025
- 31.12.2025
The White Cliffs of Vinnytsia , 01.11.2024
- 30.11.2024
Ukraine, A Polyphony , 01.10.2024
- 30.11.2024
Abandoned Children and “Friends of Children” in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s–30s , 01.09.2024
- 30.11.2024
Genocide, Memory, Identity: Holodomor Narratives during Russia's Full-Scale War against Ukraine , 01.09.2024
- 31.10.2024
Storytelling and Sharing Experiences in Times of War , 01.09.2024
- 30.11.2024
Journalists vs. Impunity: Epistemological Practices and Challenges of Media Professionals Investigating War Crimes , 01.09.2024
- 30.09.2024
Ukrainische Bibliothek in deutscher Sprache , 01.09.2024
- 30.11.2024
Hryhoriy Skovoroda: Kharkiv Tales: Treaties and Dialogues. Parables , 01.05.2024
- 30.06.2024
A Field from Afar , 01.04.2024
- 30.06.2024
Calling a Spade a Spade: International Narratives on the Russia-Ukraine “Conflict” and the Crisis of “Realpolitik” , 01.04.2024
- 31.05.2024
The Social Contract and (Post)War Ukraine: Designing Out Conflict , 01.04.2024
- 30.06.2024
A Brief History of Ukrainian Art: Wartime Introduction , 01.02.2024
- 30.04.2024
The Names of Us: Stories of Ukrainian Diversity , 01.01.2024
- 30.06.2024
War Crowdfunding and the Digital Economy in Ukraine , 01.12.2023
- 30.11.2024
Political History of Post-Soviet Societies , 01.09.2023
- 31.12.2023
The Names of Us: Stories of Ukrainian Diversity , 01.09.2023
- 31.12.2023
Politik der Fürsorge: Eine vergleichende Perspektive, ausgehend von Belarus , 01.07.2023
- 30.06.2024
Cultural Memory at Work: The Use of Traditional Female Images for Visualizing the War in Ukraine in Mass Media , 01.07.2023
- 31.08.2023
First Go Novels, Then Go Tanks. Russian Contemporary Military Fiction (2009–2014) as a Tool of Propaganda , 01.07.2023
- 31.08.2023
Female Emancipation in Doctors’ Hands: OB-GYN Nina Holopatiuk and the Short History of Abortion in the USSR , 01.07.2023
- 31.08.2023
Social Protection in Ukraine: The Practice of Implementation in Conditions of Decentralization of Power and Martial Law , 01.07.2023
- 31.08.2023
Ukrainian Art in the Time of War: Aesthetical and Performative Studies , 01.07.2023
- 31.08.2023
Between Oligarchy and War: Ukrainian Civic Elites After 2014 , 01.05.2023
- 31.07.2023
National Identity in War-Torn Ukraine , 13.03.2023
- 15.05.2023
Ukrainian Migrants in Poland: Discourse, Perceptions and Implications for Self-Identification , 01.03.2023
- 30.06.2023
Formation of the Culture of Lobbying in Ukraine against the Background of the Processes of Cultural and Civilizational Modernization of the Country , 01.03.2023
- 31.03.2023
Transforming Humanities in Independent Ukraine: The Case of Philosophy , 01.03.2023
- 31.03.2023
Impacts of Ukrainian Refugees on the Social and Economic Life of Austria , 01.03.2023
- 31.03.2023
Temporarily Displaced Persons from Ukraine in the European Union: Social Adaptation and Labor Market Integration , 01.03.2023
- 31.03.2023
Frontline Reporting on Ukraine's War for Democracy , 01.01.2023
- 15.02.2023
Eyeglasses Floating in Space: Central European Encounters That Came about While Searching for Truth , 15.07.2022
- 15.08.2022
Schwesterlichkeit, Sorge, Revolution: Eine vergleichende Perspektive, ausgehend von Belarus , 01.07.2022
- 30.06.2023
The Trajectory of the Miners’ Movement in the Donbas, 1989-1993 , 01.06.2022
- 30.09.2022
War Comes to Home: the Image of the Home at the Time of War , 01.04.2022
- 30.09.2022
Documenting Experiences of War , 01.04.2022
- 30.09.2022
Green Corridors: It is Fairer to Call Them Red , 15.03.2022
- 15.06.2022
The Battle for Kyiv: "We have guns and some bullets and warm clothes, and we are trying to live like that.” , 01.03.2022
- 31.03.2022
Unwinding Empire: Rethinking History and Culture through Ukraine , 01.03.2022
- 31.05.2022
Unwinding Empire: Rethinking History and Culture through Ukraine , 01.03.2022
- 31.05.2022
What Power Does Art Have during the War? , 01.03.2022
- 31.05.2022
Tony Judt as a Public Intellectual: Creativity, Intellectual Network and Civil Courage , 01.03.2022
- 30.06.2022
The Fall of the Iron Curtain: International History of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster , 01.02.2022
- 30.06.2022
Prof. Hans Koch in the Second World War , 01.11.2021
- 30.06.2022
Ukraine and the Borders of Europe , 01.10.2021
- 30.11.2021
Fellowship Continuance: Out of the Shadows: How Central and Eastern Europe Became Modern , 01.09.2021
- 31.12.2021
Out of the Shadows: How Central and Eastern Europe Became Modern , 01.05.2021
- 31.08.2021
The Festival Age (1988 – 1993). Was There a Phenomenon? Toward the 30th Anniversary of Ukrainian New Independent Culture , 01.03.2021
- 30.04.2021
The relevance of foreign experience to Ukrainian language policy , 01.11.2020
- 31.12.2020
The Killings Lived On: Legacies of World War II Inter-Communal Violence in Western Ukraine , 01.09.2020
- 31.12.2020
Enlightened Absolutism from Below: Local Bureaucracy, Politics of Reform and Imperial Unification in the Late Eighteenth-Century Russian Empire , 01.09.2020
- 28.02.2021
Language Policy in Western Multilingual States , 01.03.2020
- 31.03.2020
The 1920 Soviet Abortion Decree and Why It Is Important Now , 01.10.2019
- 30.11.2019
How Could Art Reflect on Trauma? , 01.10.2019
- 31.10.2019
The Killings Lived On: Legacies of World War II Inter-Communal Violence in Western Ukraine , 02.07.2019
- 31.07.2019
Invisible Empire: Layers of Memory in Post-Habsburg Europe , 01.04.2019
- 31.05.2019
Real Estate , 01.03.2019
- 31.08.2019
Soviet Ukrainian Patriotism in Brezhnev`s Dnipropetrovsk , 01.02.2019
- 31.03.2019
The End of the True Believers: The Stalinist Purges in Postwar EasternEurope , 01.05.2018
- 31.07.2018
Icons and Bolsheviks Constructivism, Archaism, Propaganda , 01.01.2018
- 31.01.2018
Russia and the Western Far Right , 01.01.2018
- 31.07.2018
Ordinary People under Occupation: Mechanisms of Formation and Presentation of Biographies , 01.11.2017
- 31.12.2017
Filming the Revolution: Ukrainian Avant-garde Films 1929-1931 , 01.10.2017
- 31.10.2017
Mute Avant-garde: Ukrainian Film in the 1920s , 01.10.2017
- 31.10.2017
The Role of Witnesses in Digital Media: The Case of the War in the Donbas , 01.09.2017
- 31.10.2017
Voices vs. Ideologies , 01.09.2017
- 30.09.2017
Ukraine in European Dialogue Solidarity Fellowship , 01.07.2017
- 31.07.2017
The Maidan Murder Trial: Facing the Other , 01.06.2017
- 30.06.2017
Poland and the Polish Question in Ukrainian-Russian Relations before 1914 , 01.05.2017
- 30.06.2017
“Heroes Do Not Die?” New Commemorative Practices in Post-Maidan Eastern Ukraine , 01.01.2017
- 28.02.2017
“Symbols of Freedom”—Western Ukrainian Hippies in the Soviet Era and Today , 01.01.2017
- 31.03.2017
How Right is the Left? , 01.11.2016
- 30.11.2016
The International–Kyiv Biennial 2017 , 01.09.2016
- 30.09.2016
Childhood in a Totalitarian Society: The “True Leninists” of Soviet Ukraine, 1929-1939 , 01.09.2016
- 31.10.2016
Ukraine and the New European Order , 01.09.2016
- 31.12.2016
The Geopolitical Dimension of Ukraine’s Cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries under Conditions of Russian Aggression , 01.08.2016
- 31.08.2016
Lakonische Verse in der Katastrophe , 01.07.2016
- 31.07.2016
«Homo Militans»: The Motivation of Paramilitary Fighters in Ukraine , 01.05.2016
- 30.06.2017
Heroes and Antiheroes in National Narratives of CEE Countries in 20th Century , 01.04.2016
- 30.04.2016
Ordinary People under Occupation: Mechanisms of Formation and Presentation of Biographies , 01.03.2016
- 31.03.2016
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Culture Journalist and Critic
European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder)
Donetsk National University
Poet, essayist, illustrator
Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts
Culture Journalist and Critic
Journalist and researcher
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
RECET, University of Vienna
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS)
Artist and cultural geographer
Ukrainian Catholic University
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Centre, Kyiv
Visual Culture Researcher
RECET, University of Vienna
George Washington University
Rivne State University of Humanities
Russ Avantgarde project UK
Kennesaw State University
European University Viadrina
Lecturer, editor, independent researcher
National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
Wilson Center Kennan Institute / Free University
Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Taras Sevchenko National University, Luhansk (now Starobilsk)
RECET, University of Vienna
Public Interest Journalism Lab
Playwright, Screenwriter and Film Director
RECET, University of Vienna
Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
Institute of History of Ukraine NASU, Kyiv
RECET, University of Vienna
Independent journalist and writer
Philosopher in Exile and Educational Office for New Belarus
Freelance historian, editor, and translator – Berlin
Visual Culture Research Center, Kyiv
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukrainian Catholic University
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
University of Greenwich / Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN)
Fellows' Publications
Academic Studies Press , 2022
Norton , 2023