The joint postdoctoral fellowship program of Central European University and the Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM) in Vienna supports recent graduates who have received a doctoral degree from CEU not earlier than three years prior to application and wish to conduct research as postdoctoral fellows at the IWM. Applications are welcome in any topic in the humanities and social sciences which relates to research pursued at the IWM. Applicants are asked to consult the Institute's website to check whether their research topic fits the Institute's profile.
The CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellows will spend a five-month term between September 2025 and June 2026 at the IWM in Vienna while pursuing their projects as members of the Institute’s international scholarly community. The IWM will provide a personal office, IT, administrative and research infrastructure to the fellows. CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellows receive a stipend in the amount of EUR 3,300 per month to cover travel, accommodation, health insurance, research expenses, and incidentals during their stay at the IWM.
Candidates for the fellowship must have completed a PhD in any discipline at CEU, or at least have already submitted their PhD dissertation, with expected graduation before the start of the fellowship. Candidates must have received a doctoral degree from CEU not earlier than three years prior to application.
The application consists of the following:
- application form
- project proposal in English (not more than 3 double-spaced pages)
- abstract (max 70 words)
- curriculum vitae including a list of publications
- two letters of recommendation
- CEU transcript (printout from Infosys)
- high-resolution digital photo
Please send us all of the required materials in a single PDF file following strictly the order given above. Please note that Letters of Recommendation should be sent separately by the referees to the submission e-mail address.
Deadline: 12.00 p.m.(midnight), Monday, 17 March 2025
Submission to: kovacsn@ceu.edu
As a single pdf attachment to your email to Noemi Anna Kovács, European Cooperation Projects Officer
Subject heading: CEU-IWM Postdoctoral Fellowship
Jury and Notification
A jury consisting of academic members of the IWM and CEU will evaluate the applications and select the finalists. Applicants will be informed about the decision as soon as possible.
The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions.
Please click here to view the Call for Applications on the CEU website.
In cooperation with
Kasper Nowak
Fellowship Program Coordinator